Friday, May 1, 2009

good news...

I'm back in Toronto - YAY! And that's not even the good news I was thinking about; the guys won last night and are the Romanian Champs! Double YAY!! They won 3-1, after losing the first set 29-31 despite the fact that they were up 24-20. It sounds like it was a great game - as soon as we walked in the door we checked the web and there was nothing... so I signed into Skype to send Steve a text, and Jim, the athletic therapist, was online on the bus, so we got to say hi and congrats to the entire rowdy, happy, beer-drinking team! It was pretty cool. The flight was good - it went by fast, as it does when you have those individual TV sets in the headrest. I watched The Reader, and really liked it (the book was great), and Bride Wars which I thought was extremely MEH. I didn't really sleep that much which ended up being just fine because I crashed last night at 9:00 and slept for 10 hours STRAIGHT! Yessss... Okay here are some pics... of the Romanian Champs!!!

Jim, Steve and Stelio... homeward bound on May 5th!

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