Wednesday, May 20, 2009

busy busy busy

Two questions: who knew shopping could be so exhausting and overwhelming, and why is Spring completely on hold? Okay... I can't admit complete surprise to either of these things but first of all, the weather is ridiiiiiiculous! A few weeks ago when I was in Winnipeg for two days, I was surprised to see complete middle-of-winter dead-and-emptiness hanging from the trees - there was not one sign of new life. And now, two weeks later, there is still no sign of spring on any of the trees in our back yard. I've been totally ready and totally prepared for the big spring yard clean, and the only yard work that I've done is bag leaves! It's May and I'm bagging dead leaves! Eep. At least we don't have to mow the lawn every other day, and at least there's no snow... for now. (How Positive Polly is that? Ugh - I want Spring!) A friend of ours, Carla, was in Dauphin over the weekend and there was SNOW there, and a lot of it. So, I can't complain. (But actually I can and I did.) And the shopping thing? We attempted to - only somewhat successfully - register yesterday. We were at The Bay for hours, going through the departments and trying to decide what we need and want, and it was exhausting. We went in blind - we had no idea of what we were looking for (or what we need or want), but now have a short list of stuff to look for at Home Outfitters (appointment tomorrow). We were both a teensy bit disappointed at the stock and selection at The Bay, but then again, we didn't visit the biggest store in the biggest city, so... whatever.

And so... Winnipeg! It's actually really good to be back. It's great to be together again and great to be getting stuff done. There's a lot to do around the house - the renters left it in great shape, but still - and the wedding business has left us with another full agenda. And on that note I should get back to the business. SO! Despite the bad weather, it's good to be home!

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