Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November is here!

Halloween has come and gone, and we have enormous piles of candy in our house. Enormous! Thinking about someone eating ALL of the chocolate and candy and gum is actually a little bit disgusting, though it might happen and I might help - we'll see what happens. The kids have dentist appointments soon so we can't let them go too bananas - or maybe we should just get it all over with! Bah. Anyways, everyone had a great night - it was mild! No snow and no flurries meant we had a sometimes fast-paced sometimes leisurely trip around the neighbourhood to collect the goods. Steve stayed home and handed out candy (a first) while I went with Jordan and Alana. Hendrik prowled around with a few friends and their parents, so it all worked out. The candy belt has begun!

Dream (a Youtuber), Hermione and a bat 

With kids and their activities moving and a few things for me (I'm playing basketball once a week and coaching the girl's volleyball team at the school) and Steve (he's coaching part-time at McMaster again and playing hockey once a week) things feel busy. We are trying to enjoy a few days of no hustle and bustle, but work and life in general keep us occupied on those days too. It has been super fun to get back in the gym and play some basketball, and I'm amazed at how in shape I once was (ha!)... 'tis my reality no longer! I'm hoping to exercise more than once or twice a week so that Tuesday nights feel easier (fingers crossed). Coaching at the school has been fun too, and the girls are really eager and excited to play and learn and get better. We won our first set today, and they were SO excited. There was a lot of jumping, shrieking and screaming. 

The big kids are still into ball hockey, and Hendrik was awarded the star of the week a few weeks ago for his outstanding play. He's been loving soccer at school and made next year's select baseball team (did I share that already?)... yay. Alana is into the ball hockey too, and loves soccer with her awesome coach (me - ha!) on Thursday nights. Jordan was signed up for ball hockey, but after a few rough mornings (there were tears) and some major reluctance, I threw in the towel. We might try soccer in January!

We ALSO had a short but very sweet visit with my cousin from Vancouver who I almost never get to see.  Since my parents moved to the island, making it to Vancouver has become less of a priority (unfortunately). Eric and his daughter Finny were here for a few days over the weekend but we didn't take any pictures! It was great to catch up and talk about sports and the kids and our families and Europe and traveling. I'm sure there's something I'm missing with this post but it's getting late and I'll get this up before it doesn't happen for another month (ha!). Happy November!

The annual make-a-face-like-your-pumpkin pics: