Thursday, April 16, 2020

mid-April and keeping busy!

Several important things happened almost exactly or exactly a year ago. They include my heart ablation (to fix three arrhythmias - atrial fibrillation, atrial tachycardia and atrial flutter; only once in a while do I go into fibrillation, and my heart seems to be doing what it should!), our initial lead on this house (thanks to our neighbour Sandra coming across the street to see if her key worked so she could feed Hendrik's fish Blue! On her way over she met Gladys, the previous occupant (for 60 years!) of this house...), and a family trip to Quebec where we spent some quality time with my sisters and their partners. Sadly (so so sadly) I had to postpone a trip to Denver and Arizona to meet my sister's babe and spend some time in the sun with two of my three sisters, but we're rescheduling! Hopefully by the fall I'll be able to meet Emily and enjoy a trip on my own.

Jordan got his tubes removed a few weeks ago (or maybe a month ago now?) and proudly came home with a little plastic box containing the tiny tubes. He carried it around with him for a few days and then forgot about it, and now I'm wondering, where are they? And if I find them, do I keep them? I'm not sure. 

Steve has been keeping himself busy busy by building, repairing and improving. He made a new gate at the side of the house which was much needed; now our backyard and pool zone is no longer visible from the driveway and street, yay. The next job was painting the kitchen, and what was once very monochromatic (pale yellow) is now white and a greyish blue. The old stove (which is amazing but a major energy suck I think) and vintage countertops stick out a bit, but we're not making any more changes in the kitchen until it gets a big overhaul (when that will be, who knows). He's now working on the upstairs hallway which has been half-wallpapered for a while. He ripped off the remaining wallpaper, skim-coated the plaster, fixed the lopsided bathroom door (the transom window now opens!), and is now in the process of priming and painting. Yesterday he started stripping paint and grime off some intricate original hardware, and the paint was covering some beautiful details - both on door hinges and window locks. It would be quite the job to uncover all of the original hardware, but if these stay at home orders last... it might happen!

all done!

old hinges

the kids loved these!

making slime today :)

helping dad paint the kitchen 

big difference! the grey is a bit more blue than we thought it would be, but it looks SO much better!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

big changes

It's only been three weeks since my last post and things sure have changed. First of all, let me just say how incredibly lucky I am to be writing from a safe and stable home in a country where we have the foresight (or imported hindsight) to take action to attempt to mitigate the effects of this global pandemic we find ourselves living through. I'm glad we didn't book any trips for March break or, really, any travel for the summer either - though this might mean a postponed BC trip (sad!). I was supposed to meet two of my sisters in Arizona in May, but that ain't happening! I'll have to celebrate finishing my program and claim some me-time by ummmm ... leaving the house some time? (Or not.) With all of this news I've been intimidated by the idea of overcrowded supermarkets and crazed hoarders stocking up on supplies so have been staying away BUT did venture out to Costco late last week - for the cheese! They were still out of toilet paper and flour, but we're not in desperate need of either of those things so no big deal. I do wonder - who is buying all of the flour? Are these people who usually don't buy flour? Or are they people who do buy flour and are just preparing for the worst case scenario?

We have been keeping ourselves busy somehow, and the kids have been great. There've been some minor squabbles and problems but on the whole they are fighting less and getting along more (yay!). So what have we been doing with our time? We spent March break without a schedule or agenda, spending lots of time in our PJs, playing games and watching movies. But with school closures announced before the break started, social media was flooded with planned out days and pictures of studious, applied children. There were some schedules I liked, others I didn't - so I decided to make a flexible schedule and see how it goes! It's so far so good (most days), and I thought I'd start small with the obvious schoolwork, and build up bit by bit (maybe). We are playing a lot of Monopoly, walking around the block multiple times a day, and are a few days into daily capture the flag games (played on our property with oversized twigs, identified by colourful string). This has been super fun, and Hendrik and Alana are teaming up to beat their parents (they're working together - !). The kids have some math to do every day (workbook pages, scavenger hunts, problems) and there have been crafts, baking, puzzles, quiet time (love it), reading, some science experiments, and even a few jobs. For the most part it doesn't seem as though the kids are too bothered by the massive changes we're experiencing, but I think they miss seeing their friends, playing sports, and visiting the library. I miss the library! And I miss seeing my friends too. I am so thankful we live in this bigger house (especially if this continues into the summer) and that we have lots of reading material and that we have each other. I am also very thankful for Steve and all of the work he's been doing around the house - more on that next time. I'll try to get a few photos up before I run out of time and have to get to bed. I hope everyone is staying well!
everyone had fun playing with Google's 3D animals :)

ozobot and sphero fun

the weather has been nicer so we've spent more time outside :)

Alana has been living in this too-small dress, wearing it for this fancy lunch on the front porch 
a fun flower craft in progress