Saturday, December 24, 2016

A pre-Christmas short

we renewed our membership to the children's museum in london and it was like the kids had never been there... yay!
People! Merry Christmas! We took the kids out of school a day early and beat the traffic east to Bowmanville where hopefully Santa will find us tonight. We're already enjoying good food and company and everyone is ready to make some more Christmas memories with family and friends. The Christmas spirit has been coursing through our family for the past few weeks with carols and events (school Christmas concerts, under-the-bed sleepovers with Christmas lights, treats, presents, and more) and now the big day(s)... we are excited! I love Christmas. 

making hearts in the almost dark; an under-the-bed sibling sleepover, under christmas lights
le little
I got a game in with a women's league team this week and it was SO fun... I love the running (and like the physical part) in basketball - I am guaranteed to sweat, to feel like I need to do more cardio (my lungs burrrrrrn), and feel like I really exerted myself - all with a good group of women my age (and older and younger). I'd love to get out on a regular basis but basketball runs the same nights as women's league volleyball and coincides with my once-a-week night at volleyball practice so for now I'll have to be a part-time player and get games in when I can. 

sporting #22 I thought of my GU teammate TJ - I can't believe how much we used to run, every DAY!
I'll round out this short post with a few photos - Merry Christmas everyone! xoxox

alana's christmas concert - so cute!

can you find hendrik? red grade ones!

opening presents in london - the puppet (and wrapping paper) is a hit
hendrik playing with his fancy new yo-yo and a fan-fave for alana!
merry christmas!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Christmas + family update

Winter is here! And I've had this (blogging) on my to-do list for several days - just like working out; somehow these things get bumped to the next day and then to the next day by must-do errands like getting groceries and picking up children and doctors appointments etc. But they don't get bumped by sleeping or showering - two things that maybe I should (?) put on to-do (MUST-DO) lists... will they happen then? Not sure. Okay, so what's new... We're in the Christmas spirit around here with Christmas tunes on on a regular basis and the tree and stockings are up (new stockings too - check out the pic below) and shopping is almost done. Christmas baking is on offer too with a total of way too much butter and sugar that I can't! stop! eating! The nanaimo bars are my personal favourite, but it's all good (I also made peanut butter balls, pistachio-cranberry-ginger sugar cookies, plain sugar cookies, and jam diagonals); I should give some away before I eat them all. Maybe I'll do a family update post? I'm making this up on the fly.

I finished school! It's been so long since I've blogged that I forget whether or not this happened the last time I wrote but really, these days I'm wondering how I ever went to school at all with the lack of extra time on my hands. Maybe Jordan was sleeping more? Probably not. Anyways, I'm done and even though it was/is a little anti-climatic (no final exams or projects or anything) it feels good. The next step is to look for ways to stay involved until Jordan is a bit older and I want to look for work; I have ideas and they are on the to-do list. (Maybe I should just throw out all of these lists. Maybe?) I read the latest No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency book and it was sooooo good, just like all of the other ones. I'm onto a Kate Atkinson one (Behind the Scenes at the Museum) and am so-so on it so far. Switching gears - I played in a basketball tournament this weekend in Kitchener with my Master's team (see article about us here) and it was so fun! So hard, but so so fun. I'm not in the best of shape by any means but thanks to my diligence (twice a week) in working out (apparently this has gone out the window, at least for this week) it was much better than it could have been and it was still reeeeally hard running up and down a full-sized court with people that obviously do this on a regular basis. I wasn't horrible, but the lungs were burning and I tired very easily... we were all saying how amazing it is that we used to do that (run and practice hard) every day and think nothing of it. In other related sports-news (for me), I'm coaching the grade 8 girls basketball team at Hendrik and Alana's school and it's been fun - and interesting, since I've never coached hoops before. I'm remembering all sorts of lingo (is it out of date? I don't know) and drills and thinking of things to work on etc., so it's fun for me (and hopefully for them too). We practice 3x/week after school and starting in January have two games a week until the end of February, so it's a bit intense but only for a few months. What else? Bu. I don't know. Onwards....

It could be worse but oh man, the sleeping could be SO much better! After the weekend in Kitchener (we had games Friday and Saturday nights and Jordan was with me or a teammate on the bench during the game) he's somewhat thrown off the haphazard schedule he sort of had, and the last few nights have been a serious struggle (with numerous wake-ups and a lot of crying). When he wakes up in the morning, he is happy as can be - so he's obviously not as negatively affected by this lack of sleep as I am. He's rolling front to back and back to front a bit more, and babbles more and is sitting up on his own. He's eating mushy solids, and I'd say he favours pear and rice cereal. He has a pre-op appointment in early January for a surgery that will follow in February to get tubes in his ears, something that will hopefully alleviate the fluid and hearing issues going on at present. What else can we saaaay about this little one hmmm.... he's cuddly and happy and so so cute - I still love him even though I barely sleep because of his night habits. Ooooooh well.....

The latest craze with this big little is dragons - or serpents, the difference being (according to him) that dragons do land and sky and serpents do land and water; we have lots and lots of dragon/serpent drawings and even one of "Nessie" - check it out:

notice the fish in the bottom right corner - "aaaaagh!"
He seems quite happy at school and as far as activities goes, just finished swimming and will round out the gymnastics session tomorrow afternoon. He's still super into Pokemon and is getting excited for Christmas and the trip to Bowmanville (sleeping in the same bed as Steve is a big highlight). He's loving the snow and ? not sure what else.

Alana asked me if I could give her peas in her lunch some time (peas!) - all because her best best friend at school has them (!); better than the fruit-to-go request! She's made some good friends at school and has asked us several times when we're going to start going to work all day so she can stay at school longer. We took the kids to the optometrist yesterday and Alana was quite disappointed that I was taking her out of school early (15 minutes) - there were almost tears. So yes, she loves school and has met some good friends. She's also excited about Christmas and Bowmanville too, and has been rehearsing for her upcoming Christmas concert so stay tuned for some cute pics/vids. Like her brother she spends lots of time at the craft table where her latest activities are concentrated on a certain colouring book - she'll colour almost everything the same colour (pink usually) and then move on to do the same thing on the next page. She still loves helping take care of Jordan and holds him and hugs him and rocks him (sometimes quite enthusiastically). She's also growing at a fair clip and has surpassed her older brother on the scales, but he still has a few inches on her. I love her!

And I love this one too. He's on a work hiatus as the next buildings in line to be outfitted with solar are still being approved or who-knows-what so he's been home for the past few weeks, staying busy with house stuff and Christmas prep. He's responsible for the Jordan's stocking and the personalized Christmas trees on H and A's stockings as well - the other two we made for each other years and years ago (when we were in Spain maybe?) before meeting up for Christmas (I think it was the year I played in Castelo da Maia and he was in Tenerife - I remember shopping for those buttons!). Not much else is new!

the art wall - lots of dragons/serpents and some flags - all by Hendrik
deco the tree!
on a snowy walk in weldon park on saturday

Monday, December 5, 2016

birthday picture-post plus: Hendrik is 6!

Finally! Here are some pics from Hendrik's birthday party. It was definitely wild - and our house was no arena for the energy these kids brought, so even though Steve and I were a bit "meh" about having a party at a playgym, 'twas the right choice. I'll let the photos do the talking and get a Christmas post up soon (we have a tree! and I've baked! aaaaand the kids fight over the advent calendar!)...

camila, alana, edward, lucas, grayson, hendrik and ahaan
these pictures show a fairly calm and collected boy, but silliness reigned!
a taste of the sillies, far right. loading up on pop, pizza and cake.
on his actual birthday Marg did a Pokeball cake - it was great!
fruit loooooops for the birthday boy + opening presents
Oh! And the annual birthday interview:

Who's your best friend? Grayson
What's your favourite colour? Golden
What's your favourite food? Ice cream
What's your favourite book? Captain Underpants
What's your favourite song? Weird Al's Just Eat it (and Shut up and dance with me)
What's your favourite sport? Baseball
What's your favourite subject at school? Math
What do you want to be when you grow up? After a long pause he said, "I want to be what you are (to me). And then. I just want to be like daddy." We asked him to elaborate but he said again, "Just what you are." 💕

Links to previous birthday posts are here (so fun to look back!!):
Turning 5 (London)
Turning 4 (London)
Turning 3 (Gatineau)
Turning 2 (Beijing)
Turning 1 (Trento)

Sunday, November 27, 2016

a party plus...

Hendrik had his sixth birthday party this afternoon at Adventures on Wonderland, a play gym that hosts parties that go something like this: play (on a massive multi-levelled play structure (slides, ramps, tunnels, ball pits etc.), drink pop + eat pizza + eat cake, play play play play play! Before our eyes we see the sugar hit and the energy go bonkers-through-the-roof (wild 6 year old boys - whoah)... and then it all gets burned off - it's great (/ a relief)! It was Hendrik's request (and he's made the same one for his next birthday, already) and I think he had an awesome time. I didn't take any pictures but Bob and Marg did - so I'll get those up next time; what I did get some pictures of was the yo-yo show put on by the kids + Steve when we got home. The big littles were just getting the hang of things when Steve came down with the yo-yo he's had since he was a kid (not that he ever gets it out), and we all sat around grinning as he showed his skills: walk the dog, the sleeper... were there more? Anyways, it was fun. Hendrik's friends (read: their parents) were very generous and we came home with some good presies.

Since I'm not blogging with any regularity these days (the evenings are full of cleaning up, making lunches, doing homework, and going to bed), I'm missing little things that I'd otherwise be writing about - like Hendrik breaking his glasses twice in two days (we had to buy two new pairs in less than 24 hours), or the fact that I only have ONE WEEK of school left and then I am DONE!, the snow (come and gone), the kids' new obsession with my iPod shuffle and their headphones, our 8-0 season so far (!!!), and hmmm... there must be more (do I say this?). Hopefully once school is over I can get back to a more regular routine with writing and posting and taking pictures and posting them - and doing some 15-minute day posts and ? Will the winter weather and my will to hibernate help me out? Probably. There's always something waiting to be done - and right now I should go and do it because I can't not put balloons up for Hendrik's bday, and I can't forget about the Fruit Loops that are hiding in the basement pantry. I will post again soon because we'll have some birthday pics to share before we go whole hog into Christmas.

busy colouring / crafting - love this table! 
more crafty business... so much time is spent here!
bedtime reads The Bugaboo - a choose your own adventure hit :)
p.s. two quotables from today's party I'm just remembering: in the room where all the sugar consumption happens Hendrik says, "Everyone listen to me, I am the champion of FARTS!" And a little while later someone else said, "I wish farts were real so you could touch them." Six-year old boys, six-year old boys...

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

family updates

Sure, let's start with me. I think the most definitive factor in my life right now is the lack of sleep. There. Jordan is still up every three hours all night, but I have a plan - a plan that is so far not totally working as well as I'd like it to. I feed him around 8:00, he goes to bed for the night (ha!) at 8:30, then wakes up at 11:00 (ish), 2:00 (ish), and 6:00 (ish) - but there are often in-between wake-ups at, say, 1:00 and then 4:30 - not every night but almost every night. Oh, and the plan; the plan is to give him his soother instead of wandering into his room like a zombie (because I can do it with my eyes closed but just need to make sure I don't run into the door or trip over the vacuum I meant to turn on yesterday) at that first a.m. wake-up with the hopes of getting a longer stretch early on in the night (so far he's still waking up). Other than that, school is winding down soon and I have a few assignments I need to work on during the day instead of at night when the kids go to bed and I feel I have no mental cohesion upstairs (like right now). Coaching is goooood (I only go once a week and to games), I'm working out twice a week at least which feels AMAZING (World Master's Games in April), and hmmm... I do find time to read now and then before bed. What else what else... I don't know. That's it for now.

The big news in Steve's life is that he has dipped his feet into the working waters of the non-volleyball world - the world many call "the real one." Volleyball as a job is real too - real.lllllly awesome. Yes, so he started working for a friend that has a solar panel company - which translated into two and a half weeks of installing frames and panels and wiring (what else I forget) on the roof of a building on the outskirts of town. They're between jobs now, so he's home this week and on the hunt for a second car; he brought home a Kia something (Sportage?) which looked decent... but we can't decide. He's also playing hockey Sunday mornings, coaching at McMaster (he goes once a week + to games) and growing a beard.

in dad's hats and shoes

This guy is almost six! Crazy. What to say about this one... He seems to be enjoying grade one, but getting any information out of him (about school) is like prying top secret dossiers from a top secret vault... we get nothing! Once in a while he'll ask me to lie with him after lights out, and we'll talk about our days - and yes yes yes I know this is mainly a stall tactic but sometimes I do hear more about his day and he listens to me talk about my day and asks questions, and I like it. Other days he falls asleep with a book on his face, tired out from a full day of learning and play (and swimming or gymnastics). He's still a big reader, and having finished a few series (Zac Power, Boy vs Beast) is into the Captain Underpants books (home from the library today came Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy). Math interest is also on the rise and he'll concoct deliciously difficult equations for us on our little art board, like 10000000000000000 + 100000000 you get it - there are zeros littering the surface. Pokemon is still big, and he's excited for his birthday; we're having a little party for him at a play gym where he'll get to sit in the special birthday chair and do whatever the birthday kid gets to do. He still loves bugging his sister, and is quite stubborn (and persistent) when it comes to getting his way (with anything and everything). And he gives good hugs.

What a sweetie pie our girl is - she's always thinking of others, something that earned her a special sticker at school today (she went out of her way to replace a "grabbed" eraser for a classmate). Since Halloween she's had death circulating about her mind, and has asked me a few times about dying (heavy, right?), telling me that she doesn't want me to die. I don't want her to die either! I tell her, and that we have lots and lots of time ahead as long as we're safe and make good choices (how parent-y does that sound?!). What else what else... she's loving school, and her friends there play a big role in that. She's had her bestie Camila over a few times (she stayed for dinner last night) and has been to her house too - where she dresses up in princess dresses and accessorizes with rings and bling (so cute). We've given up on trying to get her to go to swimming and/or gymnastics - maybe it's just too much for her? She has energy at home, but for a four-year old, long days at school may be enough for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday. We have parent-teacher interviews on Friday so will get the inside scoop on what she's like in the classroom!

Jordan does not like to sleep too much though he did have the longest nap of his life this morning - one and a half hours! I got so much done (homework). He is SUPER happy, very smiley and easy-going, and is big. We are trying to get him onto solids but so far he's not too sure what to do with the goop (goup?) we delicately shovel into his mouth - well, actually, he is sure what to do with it which is spit it out or tongue-shovel it out onto his chin. I've tried rice cereal, applesauce, yams, pears, bananas, avocado and combinations of all of the above. But just like the sleep thing, we'll keep trying. Though still quite topply, he's sitting up by himself and likes razzing and bubbling and hmm... is quite cuddly and babyish (the smell!). He does appear to have a few ear issues, and we're meeting with a specialist again later this month to confirm whether or not he needs tubes and when; a few in-depth hearing analyses at a clinic at the university reveal that he has a few hearing issues, but it's nothing permanent or overly limiting (we don't think) and he does hear things and respond to sounds and noises. He also likes grabbing and stuffing his hands (and anything) into his mouth - those two little teeth that are punching through is gums are sharp and obviously sort of bothersome. I am making the most of my time with him - babies don't say babies for long!


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Halloween pics

Halloween seems like so long ago now! And just one of the big kids still has something to show for it - if you can believe it, Alana has eaten all but four pieces of her Halloween candy... ! Hendrik is definitely more of a saver and his sister is more of a chow-downer; thankfully she was never sick, but she did get a bit of a candy rash (if you will) on her chin - evidence of her commitment to sugar. We were thinking of dressing up the youngest bub but unfortunately he was a little under the weather - pukey and very snotty - which, come to think of it, would have made for a perfect Slimer (the green blob in ghostbusters), so he stayed home with Marg and I and helped hand out candy. We've put the Halloween decos to bed and are definitely not getting into the Christmas stuff until after Hendrik's birthday (later this month) - but it is on my mind (presents). Also on my mind is all of the material that I could include with this post but will save for the next one WHICH I will try to get written and out there sooner than the seven-day cycle that I seem to be on these days. Back to the election news! And then bed....

with the help of grandma and gramps we spooked up the curb appeal
we just need jordan in anna hair - two cuties!
two crews combine: brinkmans + webs
guess the designs! (one is hendrik's, one is alana's and one is mine...)
two ghostbusters and an elsa fairy 
the haul

Monday, October 31, 2016

short and sweet

on leaf duty! there's still lots to come...
love this guy and his leaf-transport idea
We've had a few warmer days this week and have spent some time outside cleaning up and finding worms worms worms in a bag of dirt that we meant to do something with but didn't. We have Halloween visitors here for the weekend, and everyone is gearing up for the big night tonight - the kids wore their costumes to school this morning (Alana: Elsa, Hendrik: Ghostbuster), and there were parties and parades around the school planned; hopefully they're not too tuckered out to go trick or treating. Bah! Like that would ever happen. Jordan was completely out of sorts last night, waking up way more than he usually does, but it turns out he isn't feeling all that well (runny nose, pukey). He's having a good solid nap on Grandma right now, and I'm taking advantage of the extra help by getting a quick blog in - AFTER a workout. I worked out! Finally, I worked out, and hopefully it's not just a one shot one time deal. I met my master's basketball team on Saturday night and I know that I will appreciate some fitness come December (a tourney), Feburary (another tournament) and then April, when the World Master's Games are happening in Auckland, New Zealand. I'll let the pics do the rest of the talking - and will get another post up soon, complete with Halloween photos and news (even the house is dressed up!). Happy Halloween all!
the cleanup crew finds worms
i LOVE alana's pumpkin imitation face. her design too...
before the sickness hit - happy boy!