Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Halloween pics

Halloween seems like so long ago now! And just one of the big kids still has something to show for it - if you can believe it, Alana has eaten all but four pieces of her Halloween candy... ! Hendrik is definitely more of a saver and his sister is more of a chow-downer; thankfully she was never sick, but she did get a bit of a candy rash (if you will) on her chin - evidence of her commitment to sugar. We were thinking of dressing up the youngest bub but unfortunately he was a little under the weather - pukey and very snotty - which, come to think of it, would have made for a perfect Slimer (the green blob in ghostbusters), so he stayed home with Marg and I and helped hand out candy. We've put the Halloween decos to bed and are definitely not getting into the Christmas stuff until after Hendrik's birthday (later this month) - but it is on my mind (presents). Also on my mind is all of the material that I could include with this post but will save for the next one WHICH I will try to get written and out there sooner than the seven-day cycle that I seem to be on these days. Back to the election news! And then bed....

with the help of grandma and gramps we spooked up the curb appeal
we just need jordan in anna hair - two cuties!
two crews combine: brinkmans + webs
guess the designs! (one is hendrik's, one is alana's and one is mine...)
two ghostbusters and an elsa fairy 
the haul

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