Thursday, February 13, 2020

short and sweet: weekend trip and feb photos

pizza lunch in the car
Homework (as in schoolwork) is finally winding down for me because... I'm finished classes! There are several week of practicum remaining (I start with a 5 / 6 French immersion class on Tuesday) so I can't celebrate finishing the program quite yet, but I'm getting there. There is always so much to blog about - and maybe I should make the time to write more often even if the content is minimal - because I forget about all of the things I want to share! While it's fresh (ish) I'll tell you about our great weekend up to Kincardine and McGregor Point. We did the same trip two years ago - though this time it was more of a last minute decision (thanks to more strike days). We stayed in the same hotel which the kids LOVED (again) - the pool was a big hit, as was the breakfast buffet, as was the workout room (they kept asking to go "workout" - something neither Steve or I do much of these days so who knows where that motivation was coming from). Anyways, the park day was amazing - I'll let the pictures do the talking.

skating the trail

Everyone here is happy and healthy (knock on wood), and the kids are into their extracurriculars. For once there is no complaining! (Not to say there wasn't - Alana loved karate for a week, and then decided she didn't want to go.) Hendrik is doing ball hockey, swimming and basketball (with coach MOM), and Alana and Jordan are doing swimming and gymnastics. Because Jordan does a great job of keeping up with his big sibs all day, this means that sometimes he falls asleep in the car on the way to swimming - he won't nap unless it's a forced drive around in the car event, something we'll incorporate into plans if we know he'll really need it. Anyways, we're starting to think about summer plans but everything just seems so busy that it's challenging to find the time to think about it all. Plus, we're still trying to figure out house renos and when and how we'll get to work on the attic. We have a much better idea of what we want to do up there but aren't at the gates yet... so hopefully soon! Volleyball season will be over for me and Steve in the next month, so that should free up some time. I know there's more to write about but I want to get photos up and get to bed - the days are long but the years are short! :)
a before bed art bonanza

artiste at work

skating in Victoria Park - a first for Jordan (solo standing on skates)

working on a water recipe (I should share it!)

this dress still fits! still loving Frozen :)

this just makes me laugh!