Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the bfg

Bundongle, babblement, whooshy, disgustable, gobblefunking, hippodumplings and crocadowndillies, fizzwiggler, fridgy cold, swizzfiggling, fibster, uckyslush ("Every human bean is diddly and different. Some is scrumdiddlyumtious and some is uckyslush. Greeks is all full of ukyslush. No giant is eating Greeks, ever.") snozzcumbers (ew) ... these are all BFG words. I took Roald Dahl's book out of the library yesterday on impulse - it was tucked in beside grown-up fiction in the small English section in the library. I loved his books when I was little, and reading it again as an adult is super fun: fast read, mega creative words and interesting things that only giants know, about the human bean.

Great illustrations by Quentin Blake...

On how many human beans a giant has to eat to fill his self up: "It is all depending, you see, on how big the human bean is. Japanese beans is very small, so a giant will need to gobble up about six Japanese before he is feeling full up. Others like the Norway people and the Yankee-Doodles is ever so much bigger and usually two or three of those makes a good tuck-in." !!!

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