Thursday, April 28, 2016

getting there...

Du-du-du... We have less than TWO weeks to go! Apparently I'm making a habit of writing on Thursdays, which isn't often enough. Regardless, I'm a week and a half away from my due date and according to my doctor there are no impending signs of an early arrival from baby #3 - so it seems I may have totally invented the feeling that he'll make an early appearance. The room is ready (but needs some additional decor), clothes are washed, diapers stocked etc. etc., and the kids seem excited and ready. I'm excited and ready, but do I want him to come now? I want to soak up all the time I'm spending with the older two, as I know moments will have to be split further between all of my little (and big) loved ones.
baby's room is coming together (h and I were playing bball - not sure if that hoop can stay put - ?)
We made a quick trip to B-ville last weekend for a big birthday party chez Pam and Bob, and it was so great to see family. A long Saturday (Pam's birthday bash) was followed by a long Sunday - we left for home just after lunch with the intention of making it back to another birthday party (Hendrik's classmate), and Steve and I were cooked; we ran errands (Costco, Ikea, Winners) while he ran around playing frenzied fully-crazed (I imagine) laser tag with 8 other 5-year olds, and we were all ready for bed by 7:00. The kids - with the best of intentions I imagine ("let's get mommy ready!") - have been up in the night every night for something or other, and I've been staying up too late reading which means that I'm tired and am failing my bed-by-10:30 mandate. But when your neighbour (who happens to be the best neighbour ever) throws you a baby shower and you lose track of time over good conversation and a table smothered in delectables, what can you do? This happened last night and it was a great combination of a neighbourhood ladies gathering and a baby shower and everyone left wondering when can we do this again? I was spoiled with gifts (baby was spoiled with gifts) and had a ton of fun playing the few games that Sandra organized. There were three activities, all of which were enjoyed by the eight attendees:
  1. Tell everyone about your name - significance, history, etc. (There were some great name stories!)
  2. Fill out an index card with birthday predictions: date, weight, length of labour, length of baby etc. 
  3. Write out a little something on "Our Wishes For Your New Son" All of the notes are lovely - but my two favourites are the following: "I wish your new baby, when he gets to school, to meet friends or buddies that he will have for life" and "I wish for your son wisdom, friends and risk-taking" (okay I also like the "I wish you full of love, joy, lots of smiles and laughter... and lots of sleep!" - especially the last part)
Will next week be baby free? Will it be the last one? There are quite a few kid events coming up - a dance at Alana's school, an open house (kindergarten) for Alana, a family math morning (Hendrik), and more (I think), but everyone knows who's in charge when it comes to baby's arrival... baby. Until next time!
Hendrik's first attempt at writing (/copying) a book - love the text...

celebrating Pam!
collecting sticks
birthday balloons = a hit with the kids

Thursday, April 21, 2016

3 weeks to go

37 weeks
Spring is here! We put the trampoline up on Saturday and the kids have spent at least 2 hours / day on the thing, and there's no time like right after a meal (take your pick, they're out there RIGHT after eating). Today was the first rainy day we've had since the rain was snow, so we spent more time inside - and had to say no to an after dinner park + baseball trip - a popular (with Hendrik) new pastime we've enjoyed three or four times since the weekend. I think we are getting close to being ready for baby, but I do wonder how ready one can reaaaallly be. At least we have all of the basics in the house - diapers, wipes, a place for baby to sleep, some clothes etc., so we're off to a decent start. We're trying to figure out whether or not to get a comfy chair (and if so what kind of chair) for the nursery, but after several shopping trips we are still unsure. We need the furniture store for tall people! There are a few chairs in the running, but for the most part we are way too big for gliders and recliners (and most other things). Anyways! Steve made a bench, we bought some wall stickers and a few pillows (a first for me - I'm not a huge fan of decorative pillows), and there are just a few things left on the master baby list. Other news: we head to Bowmanville this weekend for a quick one night visit to celebrate Steve's cousin's 50th birthday, Alana's preschool's annual fundraising event is tomorrow night (I'll go and Steve will babysit), and my neighbours (Liz and Sandra) are throwing a little neighbourhood baby shower for me next week - !! Events galore. And then baby! I still have a feeling that he'll be early, but who knows. Time to go and catch up with my hubs - we've been busy in different directions all day. Until next time!

relaxing on the porch with gramps
yard workers!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

rooms transformed!

With the bathroom finished and the kids in a room together (and only four weeks to go until my due date), we feel like we're starting to make progress in terms of baby prep and general organization. We've also put together several pieces of Ikea furniture to create a new desk/craft area for the kids (Steve says it can be my sewing area (or his sewing area for that matter) - a good point... but when?), and Alana has a new dresser that fits perfectly into a nook in what is now Hendrik and Alana's room (!). Putting them together has been much smoother than either of us expected, and they're both sleeping well - though because I'm writing this I'm sure they'll both be up multiple times tonight.
Ikea desk/craft configuration | painting away the grey | our girl! | excited to Ikreate
The baby's room (a boy; we have a few names but nothing nailed down) is also slowly coming together: the crib is up (yesterday), diapers have been purchased (this morning on impulse), and there are some clothes in dresser drawers. We're getting a rocking chair from my neighbour, Steve is going to make a small bench, and we're going to pick some wall stickers from Lowe's impressive offering to decorate. We need to put up a curtain, get a few more things on the list, and then I should really pay attention to my intentions of going to bed early (can I bank sleep?), read, and be social. Steve's parents are coming this weekend and Steve and I are hoping to go to the movies (or just get out by ourselves), I have a team dinner on Thursday and another on Monday, and with warmer weather maybe just maybe I can start walking a little more - though I might hit that uncomfortable stage soon. We've had several days of SNOW over the course of the past few days and I am so so SO over the cold weather... I'm OVER it! Apparently by this weekend the better weather will be here to stay - but I'll believe it when I see it.

Tower building at a STEAM fair | Bravo on the outfit Alans | (silent) drumming!!! @ the STEAM fair
Taking down the tree to paint | Bowling!
There are a few other things I know I could write about - but I'll save them for another time. Hope you enjoyed the pictures! There's not much time left for us as a family of four (eek!)... excitement!

These were my last three reads (all YA): Rebecca Stead kick! When You Reach Me is my fave of hers...

Saturday, April 2, 2016

a first april posting

I'm seeing all sorts of West Coast spring pictures in my Facebook feed these days and after this afternoon's full on blizzard (BLIZZARD), I'm jealous. Jealous jealous jealous! I know I can be patient and that spring will arrive and I know that before we know it we'll be enjoying the cool of the basement, but ... I don't want to wait any longer! But I also don't want to wish time away, namely because that means we lose much needed baby prep time and valuable time with just two kids.
before: tile floors, icky grout, old jet tub, old vanity...
The bathroom is DONE, and it looks ah-mazing. Really, really amazing. I'm going to try to get a before picture from our house tour on move-in day (how'd we forget to take a "before"pic?!). We just need a shower curtain, some organization in the drawers and cupboards (and repopulation of stuff) and Steve is going to make a cabinet for above the toilet... and then it is done done and done. Priority here soon is getting Hendrik and Alana in a room together which means painting the dark somber grey off her walls and just ripping the bandaid and throwing them in there together. Hopefully this can happen by next weekend - no, not hopefully; it WILL happen by next weekend because I need this baby's room to start coming together pronto. I'm 35 weeks on Monday (!!!!!), so it might be nice to have some diapers available and a few clothes in drawers and such (you know, just maybe).

after: new floor, re-fabbed vanity, new counter, new sink, new nicely subway-tiled tub... looks amazing!

Easter! Watching the kids hunt for Easter eggs is one of the best things ever... they love it and we love it. They were spoiled with chocolate and candy and Indigo gift certificates and treats from Grandma and Grandpa B (both kids were running around like wild monkeys shouting "Indigo out-ya-go!!" after their "calming" warm bath tonight - hilarrrrrrious) - and they even shared some of their Lindt goods with mom and dad. The day after the Easter bunny made his/(and)/her appearance another special visitor came... the tooth fairy! While I got my haircut last week (I love it - went here, will keep going here) Steve took the kids to the park, where Hendrik lost his first pearly white. He was nervous at first, and then hurrah! excitement. He's been staying up late reading Lego Chima books and getting up earlier than usual, so it was an extra early morning that day - to tell us that the tooth fairy had somehow managed to access his tooth without him waking up (I remember wondering how the tooth fairy did that too).

We had a "family field trip day" on Friday and took the kids to the sugar shack, and it was serious fun. They would have stayed on the tire swing all day - and I thought it would have been Hendrik's highlight-of-the-day for sure; but the meal apparently trumped the outdoor fun - a plate of pancakes, sausages, ham, baked beans, canned fruit, and home fries, all with as much maple syrup as you want... chowing that down that took home the first place moment of his day (mine too). My first place moment of this day is finishing (I think) my last assignment of the semester - wahoo yahoo! I still have some reading to do and a few comments to post online (prior to my last online class of the term), but as far as big assignments go... I think I'm done! This means I can just move on to the next thing which is prepping for a Performance Coach workshop I'm doing in June (with a newborn, yes) - but I'll take some time away from must-do school / professional development stuff (I will I will I will). Okay, I will also go and make Good Night Waffles now (if you have a waffle maker - you're welcome) as I promised the kids we'd have waffles in the a.m. Hopefully we don't wake up to more snow!
working intently on the latest masterpiece craft
tooth missing!
our girl
asked them to do this... it looks good on them!