Thursday, April 28, 2016

getting there...

Du-du-du... We have less than TWO weeks to go! Apparently I'm making a habit of writing on Thursdays, which isn't often enough. Regardless, I'm a week and a half away from my due date and according to my doctor there are no impending signs of an early arrival from baby #3 - so it seems I may have totally invented the feeling that he'll make an early appearance. The room is ready (but needs some additional decor), clothes are washed, diapers stocked etc. etc., and the kids seem excited and ready. I'm excited and ready, but do I want him to come now? I want to soak up all the time I'm spending with the older two, as I know moments will have to be split further between all of my little (and big) loved ones.
baby's room is coming together (h and I were playing bball - not sure if that hoop can stay put - ?)
We made a quick trip to B-ville last weekend for a big birthday party chez Pam and Bob, and it was so great to see family. A long Saturday (Pam's birthday bash) was followed by a long Sunday - we left for home just after lunch with the intention of making it back to another birthday party (Hendrik's classmate), and Steve and I were cooked; we ran errands (Costco, Ikea, Winners) while he ran around playing frenzied fully-crazed (I imagine) laser tag with 8 other 5-year olds, and we were all ready for bed by 7:00. The kids - with the best of intentions I imagine ("let's get mommy ready!") - have been up in the night every night for something or other, and I've been staying up too late reading which means that I'm tired and am failing my bed-by-10:30 mandate. But when your neighbour (who happens to be the best neighbour ever) throws you a baby shower and you lose track of time over good conversation and a table smothered in delectables, what can you do? This happened last night and it was a great combination of a neighbourhood ladies gathering and a baby shower and everyone left wondering when can we do this again? I was spoiled with gifts (baby was spoiled with gifts) and had a ton of fun playing the few games that Sandra organized. There were three activities, all of which were enjoyed by the eight attendees:
  1. Tell everyone about your name - significance, history, etc. (There were some great name stories!)
  2. Fill out an index card with birthday predictions: date, weight, length of labour, length of baby etc. 
  3. Write out a little something on "Our Wishes For Your New Son" All of the notes are lovely - but my two favourites are the following: "I wish your new baby, when he gets to school, to meet friends or buddies that he will have for life" and "I wish for your son wisdom, friends and risk-taking" (okay I also like the "I wish you full of love, joy, lots of smiles and laughter... and lots of sleep!" - especially the last part)
Will next week be baby free? Will it be the last one? There are quite a few kid events coming up - a dance at Alana's school, an open house (kindergarten) for Alana, a family math morning (Hendrik), and more (I think), but everyone knows who's in charge when it comes to baby's arrival... baby. Until next time!
Hendrik's first attempt at writing (/copying) a book - love the text...

celebrating Pam!
collecting sticks
birthday balloons = a hit with the kids

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