Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Off the blogwagon

I am off the blogwagon. This obviously needs no explanation but I feel as though I can provide a few excuses.... our time here in Vancouver has been crazy and jam-packed and even though the weather hasn't been great (leaving me with ample inside, on-the-computer time) we have been OUTSIDE and away from the computer. Our lives here are completely the .. er... opposite? from our lives in Russia. We have friends! There is busy-ness! Okay, I'll get over it, we're not in Russia anymore. 

SO! We've had a great time here and, like I said, have been super busy. Sisters have been in and out of town, we've been up to Thetis to check out a wedding venue and see the new Osberg home away from home, we've visited friends and family, had lots (LOTS) of yummy meals... and last night, I went to the CAKE concert! It was AWESOME! So so so so much fun. Yay. We were scheduled to make our way back to Winnipeg this morning but changed our flights - in part because we want some more time here with family and friends and in part because we heard that the weather is supposed to be incredible this weekend.... close to 30! Yippee! What else... There's so much more to write-blog about but with so much to do, being on the computer isn't a priority - I'll do it later. We're really looking forward to getting home to our place in Winnipeg too, but for now we're enjoying our time in Vancouver!!

1 comment:

Дарья said...

Hey!!! Russia wasn`t so bad....I hope...i did all my best to make it better!!!!