Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's MAY!

Shopping is exhausting. Yes, I'm aware that this statement makes me sound old BUT I am going to blame the jet-lag. On Tuesday the four of us (me, Steve, Bob and Marg) made a trip to Ikea to pick up odds and ends (and heavy oak countertops), and it tired all of us right out. Ikea is amazing, I love it, but when you have to walk through the showrooms to get to stuff and then get lost and then decide to go looking again to kill time... well, you need a nap in the car. Yesterday we hit up Yorkdale - both of us were super eager to shop and find some nice new clothes (our time in Russia made us realize that the jeans and sweatshirt look might need some updating) but instead of fulfilling the movie-shopping-spree image of skipping out of the mall with umpteen bags, we left with only two bags - both of which fit in my purse. Steve bought a shirt and two magazines, and I didn't buy a thing. Whenever I plan a shopping trip and get excited about it, I never find anything. Anyways, we needed coffee to get through the mega-mall experience - we were out of mall-shape... and again, I'll blame the jet-lag.

Since we've been back in Canada, we've also started BRAIN AGE TRAINING. And testing. Steve's parents have a small Nintendo DS that has a program that tests your brain age... and then gives you training exercises to do when you realize that your brain age should match your actual age. The first time I did the test I think my brain age was around 60? Pathetic, I know. But I'm down to the thirties. Last night I was 37, and that's after two beers! Amazing. Not amazing. Anyways, it's fun. AGH! I just realized that it's May 1st. Time flies. I just looked up May 1st on Wikipedia, and maaaaaan oh man there are a lot of special events tied to today's date. There's May Day/Labour Day; it's National Love Day in the Czech Republic, AND... just in case you ever wondered when Worldwide National Outdoor Intercourse Day is... it's today. Er, right.

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