Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I love home!!

We are back at home in Winnipeg... and it's GREAT! We had an amazing time in Vancouver - seeing friends, family, enjoying sunny (sometimes) weather, playing beach vball and just cruising around... it was awesome. It's funny, whenever we're in Vancouver we both agree that we want to live there - but as soon as we're back here... we're happy to be in Winnipeg. (I know that this may sound crazy - I think it sounds a little crazy sometimes.) We do get a little more bang for our buck here - a beautiful house in a quiet neighborhood (makes me sound/feel old) vs. a shoebox apartment in a very urban area. I know that we'd be happy in almost any city in Canada (as long as it's not too Yaroslavl-esque) and for now that place is Winnipeg. What I miss most about Vancouver is family, friends, the beach and the spectacular scenery. But, like I said, we've got it pretty good here.

So I have lots to say about our time in Vancouver but also lots to say about what's going on around here - busy craziness! I can't post any pictures - our computer went to sleep and never woke up (computer suicide?). However, thanks to my friend Kim, we have a laptop that works... but doesn't have the modern memory card slot built in. So, until I find a cord to connect the camera to el computer, we are without photos. We took some nice pics of Thetis (though none of the wedding venue, oops) and ... actually, I think the only other pictures we took in Vancouver were from an afternoon trip to Whytecliffe Park. Eep. Anyways! There are some good ones. We were supposed to head back here last Wednesday, but when we heard that the weather was taking a turn for the better, we decided to stay for a few more days. It did have something to do with the fact that we hadn't found the time to do everything/see everyone that we wanted... but the promise of 30 degree weather? Hook, line and sinker - and Saturday was gorgeous. Some friends and I got together and played vball in the morning, and then enjoyed Strongbows on the beach in the afternoon - while soaking up the sun. It was great.. Yum Strongbow... I am a new fan of this delicious cidery drink. What else what else... I guess I am not too good at backtracking - there's so much to say about our trip but ?? It escapes me. So, Winnipeg. It is great to be back at our house - we bought a house here in December, and are seeing Spring here for the first time. There is a TON of work to do - the regular spring cleaning inside the house - though I'm not sure if the dirt and dust is a regular spring cleaning dirt or if it is a built up neglected-cleaning dirt. There's a lot. And there's a ton of yard work to do too - yesterday we bought our first lawn mower! Plus, we have plans to paint... the pink and purple (and orange and yellow) walls are ... gross. There are lots of ideas and changes that we have in mind, but we are prioritizing; painting and (maybe) doing a bathroom are our initial summer goals for the house. I'm going to look for that camera cord so I can post some pics of the colours on the walls... gross gross gross. Anyways! It's a gorgeous day today and there is lots of yard work to do so I'm going to get outside and make myself useful.

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