Wednesday, October 29, 2014

dinos + DIY

Only two more sleeps til Halloween! Eeeeeee! Steve brought a dinosaur costume home last week, and it's been on the little man more than it's been off of of him - Hendrik would probably sleep in the thing if he could. And Alana is pleased as punch to put on her Franklin costume and run around growling like a little reptilian creature. And, I'm pretty sure they'd still be on cloud nine even if the candy phase of this sweet little holiday never came to pass. One thing I find amusing: people ask Hendrik what kind of dinosaur he is, and he can't quite say - which is interesting (and highly unlike Dino Dan) seeing as how he can probably name 50+ different dinosaurs. No matter - he's a herbivore and can roar like the King.  

I should be making this a family update post, because check! out! this amazing cabinet! Steve made it. From scratch. It is the home of our coffee maker and breakfast goods, and wouldn't it just look complete with a little plate of goodies sitting there? On a nice little glass plate? Yes. Yes it would. It looks pretty darn complete the way it is - I'm just ready to eat goodies (or Halloween candy).

Some big news is out about my guy, and I was hoping to get a more detailed, in-depth post about Team Canada and Steve's 17 years in the middle - and hopefully I will (I will.), but for now - I just wanted to share this story. He set a record for number of years played for the National Team, and attended every major international competition save for the Olympics; he played overseas for 14 years, in nine countries, for 13 different clubs. I'm proud of him and of his accomplishments, and happy to have been a part of it all - at home and abroad. Lucky me, I get to stand with and next to this man for the rest of my life.

bedtime reads - my loves!

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