Saturday, June 18, 2011

a quick, listy update

I'll just come out and say it - there's too much to blog about and I'm going to short circuit if I try to get it all out in any sort of detail SO, in list form (I love lists), here are a few thoughts from the last week or so:
  • my parents are here! Steve's parents are here! I love having visitors and I wish we could teleport and travel with the blink of an eye; I love Canada in its vast sea-to-shining-sea-ness, but sometimes (okay, a lot of the time), it just feels too big.
  • I canNOT believe what happened in Vancouver after game seven the other night; what a group of total idiots/losers/degenerates that acted out in the streets of such a beautiful place; it was so strange to see the mayhem in places so familiar to me. Not so surprising to see that it was mostly young dudes punching, kicking, throwing, beating, firing etc. - what is wrong with these people? Ugh, idiots.
  • On the same vein as point #2, I am interested in seeing how social media leads to arrests and reveals the identities of some of these looters (losers) and rioters. I've seen some snapshots of peoples' facebook pages, which show them bragging, posting about their involvement in the mayhem. Again, what idiots.
  • Ummmm - there's more. Ooh! The games! Steve looks like his old self out there on the court, and even though they lost last night against Brazil (putting them in the bronze match at 6:00 tonight), it was good to see all the guys out there playing tough.
  • I'm looking forward to seeing some friend and fellow v-ballers at the gym tonight; former nat'l team players, out of town friends... yay, it should be good.
  • Hendrik can now pull himself from sitting to standing (in a laundry basket), and we lowered his crib just in time. Grandpa and Grandpa lowered it down on Wednesday and on Thursday the gaffer did his first pull up for Grandpa Osberg.
  • The source of our ceiling drip has been identified and the fix-it process is to begin on Monday at 7:15am. Let's hope this is quick and painless.
And with that, I'll stop. Pho-tos!

Steve in action against Mexico - hemos ganado!

Baby and Poppa this morning

He still LOVES being on his feet... watch out!

Busy in the kitchen... food food food!

Hendrik with Grandpa Brinkman

With the Grandparentals in the Byward Market

Doing laundry? How about standing up instead :)

We made this amazing sandwich the other night... YUM!

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