Wednesday, May 4, 2011

press pause

If only I could just add an hour or so to each day, pressing pause at 9:00 and resuming things an hour later, at 9:00. I'm thinking I'd use this time to blog but hm, maybe I wouldn't. Maybe I'd read or go for a run (YES, I'd go for a run) or sheesh, I don't know what I'd do. BUT, I do need to blog more often, b/c things are going down and going by, and before you know it I'll have so much to write about that everything might just log jam and then never happen. SO... since the last blog, this: I have my husband home! I chaperoned Hendrik on his first two shifts as a volunteer (CN Cycle for CHEO), and meh, I finally got my hair cut. The first two events are/were great-fantastic-hurray, but the last one - the haircut - was a major disappointment. The colour is barely noticeable, and the cut is totally bleh; plus the stylist (pffff) put so much product in my hair that I had to come home and take a shower - !! Sooooo, since, a mon avis, it resembles a muffin top, I'm going to go back on Friday (hopefully) and get it fixed. I hope. But really, how disappointing! I was all excited to go out and have an afternoon to myself, wearing clothes totally unsuitable for breastfeeding, and then ugh, I have to rush home to take a shower and lament the meatloaf-esque mop that is my new hairdo. At least my two favourite guys were home, ready and willing to cheer me up. Yay. I have more things to say but the list (I love lists) is long and the clock is running so I'd best be on my way. Pics, and hopefully soon, another blog. :)

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