Tuesday, May 24, 2011

time and onesies

Blogging was at the top of my to-do list yesterday, but by the time the afternoon rolled around I was too tired - too tired! So here I am trying to get one down today. Hendrik slept for almost 11 hours last night; how amazing is that?! The night before was next to sleepless but he was not to blame; it was one of those nights where the machine upstairs wouldn't shut down, and the baby-care thoughts and creative design projects and house deco ideas just swirled and swooshed and wouldn't stop flowing. A friend of mine introduced me to Young House Love, a design and life adventure (? sure!) blog that is amaaaazing. We are going to try to do this mini art project for one of the many empty wall spaces around the apt. We're thinking our room needs some colour - the walls are white and the only pictures we have up are black and white too... boring! I also came across a site (Spoonflower) where you can design and order your own custom fabric - ! There are soooo many neat designs and ideas, and, well sheesh! No wonder the brain wouldn't shut down. It was inundated with ideas and ideas and more ideas. Also, I'd been on a bit of a baby question kick: are we feeding him enough? How do we mesh the breastfeeding with the new solid foods? Feed at the same time? Or at meal times? Or when?! I know I know I know - there are so many different ways to do it, but it would be great if there was a more definitive guideline somewhere, especially one that fit with the vague idea of what we want/what would be easiest for us. And what would that be you ask? Hm, I'm not sure. Anyways! He had a dreamy sleep last night, and the entire family woke feeling rested and cheery at 7:30 this morning... love it!

What's better than one Hendrik in an adorable tiger onesie? Two Hendriks!

And so, our little Hendrik will be 6 months old in... four days (I had to check the date) - which is crazy and unbelievable and incredible. A friend of mine whose daughter is a few months older than our bean posted something like this on facebook this morning: Is losing her baby; how do I make it stop? I'm not quite there yet, but really - how to slow down time? This may be the number one comment we get from other parents, the how fast time goes thing; one minute he's a wee babe and then before you know it he'll be taking the keys to your car (and blowing the transmission, or some such thing). I came across the loveliest poem - lovely and sad too - on my cousin's wife's blog, Ericandles; they have three beautiful children, and seeing them grow up - grow in and through and past stages and ages - is what we have coming. But this poem, from Amy Turn Sharp applies to us all, no? It makes me want to wrap up each and every moment I have with everyone in my life and keep it present forever.

Someday We Won't Remember This

what do you really remember

about being this little kid
photographs and smells
and the stories
little myths
that the big ones tell us until they become
deep grooves across our cortex

but the tiny days of a 4 years old

there is a sadness in this age
if you think too long
about him not recalling
all this
and that
and this particular day in the Spring
of a year
when the stars all aligned
and we talked like people
in love
and in sync
yes you lived inside of me once
yes the world is so big
and inside of your eyes like fire
bursting out to me
I am warmed by this moment
music dumped into the background
I teach you about Lindsey Buckingham and we eat biscuits
and I am as important as Copernicus to you
I make sense of everything for you
I tell you that yes
we revolve around the sun

but only so many times

and we only remember

so many of them

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