Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I think that this day was supposed to be celebrated on Saturday... and was changed because of the conflict between Holy Monday and the likely tom-foolery that accompanies this day of celebration and feasting/drinking.... but Happy St. Pat's day anyways!!

Despite a bad case of lazies yesterday, we had a great weekend! The guys won AGAIN! Making it six in a row - they were 1-10 in the first half of the season and are 6-0 in the second half... amazin' amazin' amazin'. They quickly did away with the other team 3-0; the game couldn't have lasted much longer than an hour. After the game we went to a small Italian place where the waiter dumped an entire beer on Steve... right in the crotch. DOH! It was kind of funny.... okay it was really funny, but not so much for poor Steve who had to sit through dinner with wet jeans. We came back to our apartment and did the usual Saturday night routine - we watched the game (again!) on tv, had a few beverages and then made our way to the Summit club around one. It was a good night but again, yesterday was mega lazy - I worked on a 1500 piece puzzle that we bought last week and went for a walk in the slushy park - these were my main activities. Sounds a bit boring, and it was... but I was okay with it.

The other day I talked a bit about the relationship between Russia and the USA and ranted a bit about USA's admonishment of democracy and human rights here. A few days ago the people at Russia Today had a great interview with Dan Rather - well, it's not so much that the interview was great... but what Dan Rather said was great - very illuminating and informative. He spoke so well and had some really intelligent things to say about the relationship between the two countries, and between this great Eastern giant and the new, all-powerful West. If you have ten minutes and are at all interested... it's definitely worth watching.

Steve left this morning for Ufa, for Wednesday's game against a team that is just ahead of them in standings... should be a good game. It's a gorgeous day here so I've got to get outside!

My paint skills are minimal - Yaroslavl is the red dot above Moscow and Ufa is underlined...

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