Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another Tuesday...

So, yesterday was a beautiful day, with the temperature getting as high as five degrees! It was really a lovely, spring day even with the wet snow melting everywhere, revealing winter's buried garbage. This doesn't paint a very pretty picture - there is quite a bit of garbage everywhere - mostly beer bottles, cigarette butts and remains of bags of potato chips - but it's not SO bad. You just can't ignore it - it's an instant observation. Anyways, so I was really surprised to wake up this morning to a blizzard! In all of my winter naivite (remember, this is the first year Steve and I have experienced a winter in six years) I thought, maybe it's over! Maybe this is Spring! Hurray! No. False. So I made pancakes, wishing away the winter and welcoming the big round yellow golden pancake. I mean sun. Yum.

Okay, I admit that this looks bad... maybe people think that the storm drain is a garbage chute? And missing? By a lot....!? I don't know!

Last night I went out for sushi! It was SO GOOD! Daria and I went to the Airplane Sushi restaurant (as named by me) - the interior was as if you were on a super-sized airplane! It was really neat... the decor was great and so was the food. We just grabbed whatever plates we wanted off of a revolving sushi belt and enjoyed... so so so good. We took one of those minivan buses back home - it was a very cramped ride, and a little too close for comfort with grumpy fur-clad Russian women. Weird.

I'm just back from a great swim and scarfed down some lunch; and now it's time to do some school work. I'm taking an Urban Geography course online and have a paper to write on the relationship between urban growth and improvements in transport technology. It's actually pretty interesting, and has made me think a lot about the challenges a city like Vancouver is facing with it's rapid growth and geographic constrictions. Hmmm... and global warming. Okay, I better get to it.

I had to balance out the ugly stormdrain-garbage picture with something nice... so here it is. Just after we got engaged this past August in Lighthouse Park. ")

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