Tuesday, March 25, 2014

short + sweet

I'm due for a family update blog and a 15-minute a day blog too, but for now... you get the Greek Revolution. Today was a national holiday, for two reasons (I believe): firstly, to celebrate Greece's independence from the Ottoman Empire under which they were ruled for nearly 400 years, and secondly for religious reasons: in the Greek Orthodox Church today is the day that Mary heard from the angle Gabriel that she was with not-just-any-child. The revolution, as it's referred to, took 10 years to take hold and involved multiple other nations - on both sides of the conflict. There was a big parade in town, and sunny skies under which many, many, many groups did march... including the Greek Air Force. We were there to watch Nik in full suit, as part of the celebration. Hendrik had his Greek flag a'waving, and we all enjoyed being out and part of the big day.
Steve's team had an away game this past weekend, in Thessaloniki, and things didn't go as planned... for Panahaiki, anyways. Despite some pretty close set scores (28-26, 31-29, 25-21), they lost to PAOK and clinched themselves a spot in play-downs. We're not really sure what this means for us time-wise (ie when we are leaving this wonderful place), but it looks like we'll be able to make it back home for a wedding that's happening in Toronto on May 10th.... just when the weather is getting good here! Nah, I take that back; compared with the kung-fu grip that winter has on Eastern (and Central) Canada right now, the weather here is better than good, and I'll keep soaking up the sun while I can.

And speaking of soaking up the sun... the kids are loving it. Loving loving loving being outside, and it almost makes me reconsider where we are choosing to live. Well, we're choosing to live here, now, and in Canada in the summers, and that makes sense - though we are aware that this itinerant lifestyle is coming to an end sometime soon. The kids were outside all day long (actually, literally), and I know that my mood and the kids' happiness with all of the outdoor play and exploring can't be paralleled by March in Canada - at least not in the east's chilly climes. Can we just escape to Greece every year? It's food for thought...  but for now, I'll take it while I can get it (and so will the kiddies)!

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