Monday, March 10, 2014

Greeceward bound

The kids packed on the pounds at dinner tonight, literally... and I'd wager that it was the milkshake's fault. Alana (18 months) walked away from the table weighing 31 pounds, and Hendrik did the same at 41 pounds. Sure, they enjoyed the rice and fish and veggies, but that second helping of vanilla goodness takes the cake; their combined weight is 70+ pounds!! This boggles my mind. And I do sometimes carry them both around - mmmaybe I should stop doing that. We had the scale out to weigh bags, as our trip to Greece happens TOMORROW! We fly at 7pm, and I'm hoping we have an extra seat and that the kids sleep; too much to ask? We'll see. I'm almost organized, and almost packed; umbrella stroller was purchased on the way home from a successful weekend/day-and-a-half-in-Ottawa (merci Jump volleyball for having me), and diapers and passports are carry-on-packed. Next post from Patras!
Hendrik's Stegasaurus, complete with head, legs, feet and H's name (spot it?) - and my fish :)

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