Sunday, November 17, 2013


November 17, 2011 | Trento (we were digging into some seriously delicious club sandwiches)
November 17, 2012 | Beijing

November 17, 2013 | Gatineau

November 17, 2013 | Gatineau
I'd have gone further back with the photos, but the pre-2011 organization levels are pretty paltry, and there's not much time (or patience) for searching and digging through folders for exact dates. I did dig up a few other gems that I'll share another time.

What've we been up to? Steve and Hendrik went "skating" this afternoon, and you can refer to the first two frames just above here to take a look at Steve's imitation of Hendrik's on-ice activities - he was statuesque. He acted like a frozen, immobile statue, both with and without a little push cart thing. I got the low down while Hendrik was passed out (see next frame) and then the first hand account from the boy himself when he woke up: "I walked this far. I didn't skate but I walked this far." Steve said it was painful.

We've been to the museum (of Science and Nature), downtown, to the park (it was super mild here this weekend), to a friend's house, and Steve and I even had a night out (just us!) - though our big date was to a fundraiser for Hendrik's preschool. Our babysitters (Duff and his girl) somehow managed to get both kids to sleep through the night - something that is becoming quite the rare occurrence (unfortunately). We've been enjoying egg nog lattes in the morning (homemade ones are SO much better than Starb's) and have Christmas and Christmas presents on the brain. Hendrik has his surgery coming up this Friday - but other than that, it's been life as usual around here. Steve heads back to training tomorrow - and we'll miss having him around all the time. Time to get going - books and lists await!

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