Wednesday, November 13, 2013

in short...

It has been feeling tres wintery here - the big coats are out for all. Yesterday's preschool was as routine as the week before: there were no tears, and this time Hendrik was in no hurry to find me when the parents started trickling in at closing time. After a month (ish, I think), it seems as though he's finally getting comfortable with the people and the place, so it's a bit of a shame that he'll miss 1-2 weeks after his eye surgery... ooooh well, he'll roll with it. This has to be short - Steve and I are going to watch a movie and there are few things calling my name. I just have to say that I bought these boots (after some hemming and hawing) and just applied for this mini job. I leave you with some multimedia - the kids were on fire last night!

1 comment:

Maggie B said...

Cute! Full of energy!
Nice boots and good luck with the job!