Friday, November 8, 2013

15-minute day (yesterday) + a poop story

starting at 7:00
1. mama mama mama | hendrik in our big bed | getting breakfast together | eating
2. trying to get people dressed | hen watching franklin (b/c of a poop on the potty) | books | in the car on time!
3. driving to preschool | drop-off at 9:15 - no tears! (a first) | arriving a la grocery-store | shopping
4. checking out | driving to kiddie 2nd hand store | checking out the winter boots | playing with gloves in MEC

I missed a grocery store pic in the first series, so actually at 11:00 I was......
1. watching Alana play with gloves in MEC | arriving at preschool for pick-up | leaving | driving
2. schlepping (hendrik was asleep in the car | groceries away with A, H is passed out | Alana lunch | me lunch
3. playing (H still sleeping) | more playing | more playing | cleaning up
4. H is awake! and eating | Alana wants to eat more too | skype with Steve | skype with Steve

starting at 3:00
1. facebook | organizing books (A napping) | about to read books in newly minted fort | reading and picking :)
2. cake make | apple grate (recipe below) | dancing | I forget... Hen might be in the crib?
3. A is up and crying - post head butt from H | dinner on the go (leftovers) | reading and hiding (under red blanket) | dinner
4. a clean dessert bowl! | clean-up avec leech on leg | bath time | chaos (more on this below)
starting at 7:00
1. chaos | cuddles with A | reading A bedtime stories and H comes in with oven mitts on | A to bed (she's crying)
2. picking stories (A is still crying) | smiles! | Blueberries for Sal | hanging up diapers
3. something online | planning for vb clinic | planning for vb clinic... bed at 10:30
Two things happened while Alana was in the bath: 1. Hendrik put on a show (pictures just below) and there was poop and more poop and more poop.
I'm watching from the in front of the bathtub and he keeps coming back saying, "Tada!" and wearing a different getup. "You're funny!" I say, laughing laughing laughing. "Yeah, I am funny," he'd say. It was the sunshine before the poopstorm.
I have to preface this next part with a fact about our boy: he has a very, very, very sensitive nose - a keen sense of smell. Poop smells make him gag, and he's thrown up a few times as a result of a serious odorous offering (his own). And, you know, he's not too into seeing it either... but really, who is? So when Alana pooped in the bath with him in serious proximity, I immediately asked him to stay out stay out stay OUT! of the bathroom. "Why? Why mommy did Alana do a poop?" Yes, yes she sure did. I drained the bath and got her out and wiped off... and it wasn't as bad as I thought - I let her run off after her brother, and paper-toweled out the tub. I gave Hendrik the all clear (get in here!), and into the bathroom he comes with the black basket on his head... when I see Alana, in the hall (where Hendrik is standing in the above pictures) about to lose it all over the white pillow you see in the last frame. I somehow managed to get the pillow halfway out of the way, so it's a some-on-the-floor some-on-the-pillow type of situation. Until she steps in it. Meanwhile Hendrik is asking if Alana pooped again because I'm saying something like this: "oh Alana oh stop okay Alana Alana Hendrik don't look Hendrik just stay there Alana Alana" as I'm scooping her up and putting her back in the wiped-down tub. Hendrik declares that he'll just "hide in his shell" (the black basket) until it's all cleaned up, and I encourage him to do so. Meanwhile, I'm furiously scooping poop up off the floor and Alana is furiously smearing it all over her body (thankfully she left her face and hair alone). Hendrik is still hiding in his shell while I arms-length-scrunched-face helicopter her over to the shower - and she is trying to FLING it off her hands ... so shit is literally flying everywhere. Have I mentioned that Hendrik is gagging in his shell? And that we've just eaten dinner? This moment was the high? or low? point in the evening's poop saga. I hosed Alana down and then cleaned up flecks while she was sucking on a (closed) bottle of shampoo (water off). I immediately took her to her room (towel on) and put a diaper on. Only then, when we came back from a brief bathroom hiatus, did Hendrik ask if it was okay to come out of his shell: "no more poop?" No more poop.

Apple-pie cake recipe?
1/4 cup butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp (heaping) cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup flour
2 1/2 cups shredded apple (3-5)
slurp of milk (2 tbsp-ish)
1 tsp vanilla
Bake in a greased pie plate at 350 for 45 minutes.

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