Friday, November 22, 2013

a big day..... (updated!)

And the weeks go by...

Big news of the day of the week is that Hendrik is having his second eye surgery today; he's at the hospital with Steve as I type, with one hour to go til operation time. I feel fine - but more importantly Hendrik felt fine this morning and was his usual chipper self, playing and pretending; he didn't even seem bothered by the no-breakfast rule. The boys should be home by early afternoon, so stay tuned - I'll try to post an update at the bottom of this entry.

I meant to get a quick blog up last night but time ran out... or ran into other things. I was all excited about putting together this advent calendar but got the red light when it all came out of the box: I need a glue gun to put the thing together, and approximately five hours to sand all pieces and get them perfectly in place. UGH. So I'm going to send it back and do something else. Mrrrrrr....

Alana's newest favourite word is COOKIE. It is also her second (or first?) favourite food (I'll just go ahead and speak for her); cheese still takes first place, but the gusto with which she belts out COO-KIE! is really something. Hendrik and I made a big batch of chocolate chippers a few days ago, and when she laid eyes on them all cooling off on the rack there in the kitchen she lost her mind and began belting out cookie cookie cookie! with some serious urgency (and crazy eyes). I kind of agree though... cookies are good!

Hendrik did so well with the surgery, and so far his recovery is much like April's round one, and I'm wondering if the guys hit the espresso bar on the way home from the hospital. After an hour of Franklin, Hendrik was back to his usual self running around and asking for someone to play volleyball and/or soccer with..... let's hope all mends well!

1 comment:

Maggie B said...

Love the little cookie monster!
Hendrik looks so cute in his gown…..awww!