Saturday, January 8, 2011

It's already Saturday? eeeyow. It snowed all day long here - the little hill aside the soccer field across from our place was crawling with kiddies and giddy (or tired?) parents sliding down and walking around and up for more and more. It looks like fun - but neither of us have snow pants, and I think Hendrik is a bit too young for any tobogganing action, even if it's just on said dinky hill. We've been home for a few days now, and things are pretty quiet around here compared to life chez les Brinkmans. We've been trying to unpack and get organized here - playing catch up to feel settled and get everything done (laundry, take down Christmas decorations, unpack, write thank you cards), and slowly, it's getting done. Tomorrow we'll try to finish the job, and I'm hoping we can make it to the gym to play some pepper; will I remember how? I think the messages might get lost in translation between my brain and the rest of my fairly non-existent muscles, but we'll see. Working out has been a high priority, but somehow hasn't yet happened. What did just happen though, was a bottle of wine, a malbec from Argentina, and though I'm not really managing to fit the work out in, I'm happy to grab this first full glass of wine and sit down with my husband while Hendrik sleeps... so... cheers - to you and me and parenthood. ")

1 comment:

Sarah B said...

cheers!!! ps; it must be so fun to have a husband you can pepper with! volleyball and rugby...not the best combo. dang. :(