Tuesday, January 18, 2011

a day of activity-action!

Fourty years ago today (okay, yesterday) Doug Fullerton's plan of a recreational Rideau Canal skateway was implemented, and the world's largest naturally frozen ice rink - with a surface area equivalent to more than 90 Olympic hockey rinks - supported its first cast of skaters in its first official season. Of course, people have been skating on the canal for much longer, but it wasn't until the 70s that a section of the canal was routinely cleared and groomed. And it wasn't until yesterday that I donned my first pair of hockey skates and, with my husband and babe, skated its surfaces! The weather was a balmy -8, so with a bundled up baby, we decided to go for it. The air was a bit sharp (how do people skate sans hat? sans gloves?) but the sun was shining and Hendrik was, for the most part, happy. The stroller was great on the ice - more stable than I was - and we made it almost three kilometers before we turned around and headed for a chalet. And we weren't the only ones with a baby in tow; in the chalet we met two moms, one with a 1-year old and a 3-year old and one with a 1-month old babe - !! The skaters were young, and old, and everywhere in between; some on speed skates steadily stealthing down the ice, some on wobbly skates on wobbly legs, some with sleds to steady themselves and others up and down with friends and laughs and rosy cheeks. It was sooo much fun, and I would love it if it were mild enough to go a few times a week.

Other news for me? I made it back into the gym yesterday for not one not two not three not four but FIVE sets of volleyball - ! A friend needed another person to make six for a game in Ottawa's competitive women's league, and I just thought suuuure, why not? Well, I had enough reasons for why not (haven't exercised really in months and months and months, haven't played volleyball in almost a year and a half, I might hurt myself yadda yadda yadda), but decided to go for it, fully ready to pay the price in full body soreness today. I expected to be horrible (I was) and to feel horrible (so-so) BUT our team won (15-13) and I was able to walk out of the gym in one piece. Being horrible and uncoordinated at a sport you were once very good at is a frustrating thing, and I know that I'll need more patience as I try and get back into it. I'll also need some muscles, a vertical and an arm swing - these things would all be very helpful.

How I felt last night - ugh!

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