Wednesday, December 29, 2010


What are my favourite things about Christmas? Family, friends, food... presents, music, the decorations; they have all been out and about and around in full force, and it's been fabulous. Spending Christmas in Bowmanville with the Brinkmans and Tukkers has been so fun, and it's too bad that my family (in Vancouver and Denver) is so far away - a joint deal with everyone under one roof would be sooooo amazing. Maybe one day? Maybe. The food, of course, has been incredible - the goodies, the dinners, the breakfasts, snacks... ah-mazing! It's a wonder that we haven't grown as much as Hendrik has - but outwards. Or maybe we have? Who wants to keep tabs on that over the holidays? Nobody does... at least not anyone around here! That being said, Hendrik has changed so much since we arrived 11 days ago - he's longer, fuller and way more alert in almost every way. He is quickly outgrowing his bassinet, and tonight might be the first time he sleeps in the pack and play that lives here in Bowmanville - !! Eek. Our little boy is growing. He's been keeping up with the rest of the family in the eating department, taking his fill with a first course (food from Momma) and a second (formu-la), and growing right out of a few of his sleepers along with the baby bed.

Like I said in a previous post, we were all spoiled rotten (rotten) with gifts - not once but twice. Christmas was incredible, as was the surprise baby shower that Pam organized for me - !! I had absolutely no idea, and was under the impression that a trip to Pam and Bob's with Steve yesterday afternoon was just a visit - like any other time (well, maybe not like the time we emptied the mini-keg by 9:00 a few years ago... erk). We arrived, Pam told me to put my shoes by the back-door mat and SURPRISE! I walk by the kitchen and there are 10 gals waiting, surprising, baby-showering... Initially I was baffled - first surprised, then baffled - What? WHY? Oh! Eeee a baby shower, for me! It was super fun; there were games, a ton of food (cupcakes, sammies - with blue bread - meatballs, salad, deviled eggs, dips, crackers, and more), a diaper cake (!! made by Erin and Marg - super pro), and presents. We were super super super spoiled... really and truly. So Hendrik is very set - with books, clothes, toys, a personalized Leafs jersey (Brinkman, #10 - !!), a bottle sterilizer, a beautiful quilt and blankie from Marg and much more. See! Spoiled! Incredibly spoiled.

What else what else... I'm sure there's more to write about, but for now, that's it. Time to check up on our little one - we are soooo lucky to have him in our lives, and to have the love and support of our family - those closest to the heart are never very far!

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