Tuesday, November 23, 2010

decor and more

It's 13 and sunny out, and there's no way that I should be inside right now on the computer. Snow and cold are both on their way to stay, so I must must must get outside and enjoy the weather while I can. BUT... I did want to blog about the fact that I'm 39 weeks pregnant with 4 - or 14 - days to go (!!), and post some pics of our latest decor project. It's funny that the most decorated and put together room in the house is our second bedroom, which is tripling as office, guest room and baby room. We are working on getting things up on the walls elsewhere in the apartment, but the focus has definitely been on that second room. So! Here are some pics of Sunday morning's project, with completed room pics to come.

And now that the conference is over and my volunteer stint at CAC has come to a close, I'm sort of wondering what to do with myself. I can aaaaalways come up with things, but as far as having something structured(ish) that involves working or volunteering outside the house... I got nothing. And I know that it would be silly to look for something now, since the bean could come any day. So I suppose I'll stick to projects around here, read (The Elegance of the Hedgehog and The Art of Racing in the Rain are up next), and ?? I have lists, and there's always something to do. I'm just so curious - when is he going to arrive, and what will it be like?!

(Steve just pointed out that it is -9 in Vancouver (what?!) and -29 in Calgary; it is 30 degrees warmer here than in Calgary... 30!!!!)

1 comment:

Maggie B said...

The tree looks awesome! You do too!