Wednesday, November 10, 2010

serious self-control...

I have exercised such major restraint in buying (er, or, in not buying) for baby that I'm kind of - no, I AM - amazed; I never have this much self control. And there's cute baby stuff everywhere. And a lot of it is affordable, so I can see how a little overboard turns into a lot overboard with all of the little things adding up, which, I suppose they're doing anyways. We've had a pile of very generous pass-ons and gifts from friends and family, and, like I said, have somehow managed to not go bananas over the non-stop-cute. Clothes and blankets are in drawers, a few packs of diapers are stashed, and the few books that we have are on the lovely shelf that Steve put up on a whim - it looks fabulous. So the clothes have been one thing that I've really resisted buying (since we don't really know how big he's going to be - more on that in a sec), and the other item, I suppose, are books. Books books books, anyone who knows me knows I love books, and I especially love children's books... so that self-control is even more commendable. Part of me wants to hit the second hand stores and library sales and go berserk, but the practical-Polly side of me is saying nooooooo, Christmas is coming up and you can buy stuff later. Later later later. The necessities now, and the nons later; plus, what's the likelihood of us being able to read Good Night Moon to the little guy in the first few weeks? The answer to that question I really don't know. Hm, google maybe. When do you start reading to them? And when can I give him his first soft book? Eeeeee... so exciting.

Two other things before I get back to dinner on the stove. First: at my doctor's appointment today they finally gave me the results from the growth ultrasound that was done two weeks ago, and the little guy weighed in at 2.641 kgs (5.8 pounds) - 52nd percentile. So, will he be an average-sized baby or long and skinny? Hmmmm, we'll have to wait and see. Secondly: I am back to Alexander McCall Smith and I LOVE his writing. This one, In the Company of Cheerful Ladies, is, for some reason, extra enjoyable... the stories, the tone, the people, they are all so delightful. And with that, I'm back to the pot of potatoes.

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