Tuesday, September 7, 2010

labour day?

Labour Day has been an official holiday in Canada since July 23, 1894, and I feel like I haven't done much labour to deserve it. Well, I suppose that it's like any other day for me... a day that I don't do much labour. I labour around the house I suppose, but I don't feel like I deserve a holiday. Meh. One day though, I'm sure I'll be wishing for these days of unemployment... maybe? I just can't see when that day will come. Perhaps in a few months when baby is born I'll wish for a lack of work to do... hmm, probably. As far as a career goes, I still need to make that first step in deciding what it is exactly that I want to do - I still don't know. Anyways! Our weekend - which wasn't actually a long one - was good. We made it into Toronto on Friday night and went to Rob and Charlie Janson's wedding reception on Saturday. I wore the same dress and the same shoes to the same venue as Dan and Milka's wedding - we were the only repeat guests, but looking at the pictures it seems a little funny; same room same environment, same outfit ... fashion faux pas? I think so. But I was the only one who noticed. Well, besides Steve, but ? whatevs.

We had a few delicious brunches with Dan and Milka at Le Select, a super cute little bistro close to King and Spadina, and by a few I mean two - Saturday and Sunday. I feel like I love the idea of going out for brunch, but whenever we're at home I always can the idea the next morning; breakfast at home is so yum too. And you can stay in your pyjamas and you can eat on the couch. The meals there were great though - it's definitely a spot I'd recommend, for breakfast, brunch or dinner (we've also dined there - dinnered there? supped. We've also supped there.). And now we're back in Ottawa, sans car. There's been no resolution on that front as we're waiting to hear what we could get for the thing if we sold it as is. Once we can compare the pros and cons of fix and sell vs. sell as is, we'll make a decision. Until then, we are a pieds to the store and the gym, and on the bus for longer trips. At least I am; tomorrow I'm taking the bus into Ottawa for an appointment. I have my route mapped out and my faresaver tickets... so hopefully I don't get too lost. And hopefully it's not raining - my raincoat is the worst raincoat ever (being that it's not waterproof) and we have no umbrella. EEEsh, what do we have? No baby stuff yet either. Well, we're slowly maybe making our way there, I think. Anyways. I do have dinner on the go and it smells delicious; on the menu: greek potatoes, chicken and pork souvlaki, home made pitas, greek salad and tzatziki. I think that's it. On that note, to the kitchen I go....

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