Thursday, September 30, 2010


Even though it feels like just a few weeks ago, it must have been mid-August that my aunt Zella gave me a box of old, unsorted family negatives. Not the negatives that fit, in plastic strips, into a plastic foldy thing, but larger, rectangular black and whites of a time before. It was early this summer that I decided that it could be my spare time summer hobby job to scan and catalogue old family photos, so that everyone could access and enjoy.... and finally, now, I am getting around to things. I'm faced with a bit of a conundrum with the box of negatives; I don't want to develop all of the pics (expeeeeensive!) and nor do I want to buy a contraption that will convert them to digital pictures. I suppose what I DO want is to find the cheapest alternative, and that means looking into options with a little more gusto. Anyways, so there were a few bits and pieces of paper mixed in with the pile of negs, and I wanted to share a few things... if only for myself.

From my Grandpa Larry to Grandma Edith, "With all my love". I have tags that are almost identical to this that I've saved...

Calendar, 1948. And lists! I make lists like nobody's business! On Grandma's list: take negs in, buy lovalon rinse, buy presents for B, L, J, Baby food, desserts, rice, tie, flowers for Mrs J, thermometer, pancake flipper

This looks a lot like my Sonicare...
I had to google lovalon rinse, and this is what I got:

While I figure out just what to do with the pile of negatives, I am going to try to get through an album that Zella gave me on Sunday night. It's filled with a semi-chronological hodge-podge of photos of my Grandma as a young girl, and then as a young woman and then about a third of the way in Grandpa comes into the picture, and then there are kids... young ones. There are also a few articles and newspaper cutouts taped in here and there, and it makes me think a bit of scrapbooking... but minus the fancy paper and creative time. Anyways, it's super cool to go through these pictures of my grandparents, and see them in these stages of their lives; their wedding invitation is in there! and there are photos with my uncle and my pops as newborns. It will take a while to get through it all, but here are a few of my favourites from last night's first scan session.

Written on the back: "Warwick Farm Alberta about 1923, H Zella Spencer, Ella the mule, Edith Hope" - my great-Grandma, a mule, my grandma and my great aunt...

My Grandma Edith playing tennis... where and when exactly? not sure. On the back: "Those shoes are crepe-soled so are not ski-boots as you might think (p.s. I got that shot)"

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