Wednesday, July 7, 2010


There has been so much going on in these past few days, and all of it has been good good good! The list: Steve came home from Australia, we celebrated our first anniversary, (with cake (very, very yummy cake) and beautiful flowers - they arrived before my hubby did, on Sunday afternoon!), Steve's sister and her husband celebrated their second anniversary, Steve's dad had his last day of work on Monday and is now retired (!!), and... we had our fourth ultrasound, the big-news, 20-week deal. It was amazing, so so so amazing, to see everything in such detail: the four chambers of the heart, the hands and feet and fingers and toes, the spine and the facial features... we were completely and totally captivated. Of course, the best part was hearing that everything looked as it should, and that the little one is healthy. The second best part happened at the very end, after the technician had switched off the machine; we both asked, expectantly, "aaaaand, is it a boy or a girl?" She turned the machine back on and showed us... and it's a boy! We're having a boy!! Eeeeee so exciting. I immediately teared up with happiness... SO! That's the biggest news of all, at least for us. We don't have names, and when we do come up with some potentials, we're not going to share; we're not going to do the pre-naming thing but instead, wait and see. So... yup. Big news!

19 weeks... the belly is beginning!

the little guy! so amazing...

It has been ridiculously hot here... too hot. I think today's temp is something like 34, but with the humidity it feels like 44? No more outside workouts for me... ugh. I went for a walk on Monday morning and thought my sunglasses were going to melt - I was actually tempted to call Steve and have him pick me up half way. I didn't, but downed every drop of water that I had and vowed to never exercise-walk again in such heat, especially while pregnant. I'll stick to the pool, the gym and our apartment thank you very much. Ummmm, okay. The recipe for the cake, which is delicious...

2/3 cup butter
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
4 cups flour
2 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups milk

I baked it up in two 9-inch round pans - 350 degrees for approx. 40 minutes. My mom makes this recipe as Raspberry Cake: bake half of the recipe with a layer of raspberries on top... when it comes out of the oven, drizzle with a thin layer of runny icing - it will melt into the berries and cake... mmmmm, also super delicious!

happy first anniversary! after a yummy lunch on July 5th.....

yummy cake, at last!

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