Wednesday, July 29, 2009

a shortie...

Ugh... it's hot! I'm not complaining though - I love summer! It IS a bit strange that overnight lows are closer to the average daytime temperature, and it IS a bit uncomfortable in the gym at CapilanoU where I'm doing camps this week, and I'm sure that I'll be cursing the sunny skies and beating sun this weekend in Kelowna... but it's summer and c'est la vie. I'm in a bit of a morning rush, so this is going to be super short, BUT I wanted to post this Vancouver time lapse from the other day, when the skies were crazy and colourful and nature's electric fireworks outdid the Celebration of Light show.... it was amazing!

1 comment:

Fresh Start Recycling & Disposal Ltd. said...

Love it!!! I'll link to this post on mine.