Friday, January 16, 2009

A Big WIN!

Yaaaay! Last night Tomis beat PhonyAsse Lennik in three straight, 25-12, 24-12, 25-23... with the first two being all about business and the third a bit too close for comfort. Winning in three was clutch - when they play in Belgium next week they only have to win one set to qualify for the next round. It was a great game (for Tomis, not at all for the Belgians) and the stands were almost full... so it seemed like a great crowd to play for. My camera isn't good enought to catch game shots and the team website is brutal - they haven't updated the team from last year, and there's hardly any news, no photos (even though I see photographers there snap snapping away) so... no soup for you! Or, er, photos. So the good game was followed by a mediocre meal at the president's restaurant (called The Temple - bleh) and some beers. I'm totally being sucked in to the puzzle vortex and feel the pull to puzzle whever I'm home (how lame does that sound... seriously) but not today. Plus... we have to do the puzzle on the floor because we only have one table in the house (kitchen) despite the fact that the team manager, who owns the apartment, assured us that he had ordered a table that would be arriving any time. Yup, that was two months ago. So... we've been meaning to go to the Practikker, a cheap home furnishing store, but haven't gotten around to it. Maybe this weekend...

I just saw that Slumdog Millionare won a few Golden Globes last week - we watched it last week and I really liked it... would definitely recommend. I would not recommend The Curious Life of Benjamin Button, though a few friends here have seen it and liked it so hmmm... I liked the idea of the story - aging backwards and the curiosities that kind of life would involve, but it seemed way too constructed, too long and they played up Brad Pitt and his swanky good looks waaaay too much. It also seemed like the filmmakers were trying to create a movie in the Forrest Gump realm (it was obvious) but to me they big time missed their mark. Meh. What else did we watch... Tropic Thunder, which was just dumb (again, obviously) and a movie I'd never heard of but liked with Demi Moore and Michael Caine, Flawless. We have a whole whack of movies to watch - but haven't really gotten into any TV shows; most people and couples we know that come over to Europe for volleyball get into shows at home and download like crazy, but we've only gotten attached to The Office, which I find hilarious 95% of the time. I started Three Cups of Tea a few days ago and I think it's time for tea and reading - it's a tough life!

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