Monday, November 24, 2008

A weekend full of food!

Wow, what a weekend full of food and drink! It's Monday afternoon and I'm almost (almost) still full... but not so full that I can't eat or anything crazy like that. Friday afternoon (or was it Thursday?) the president actually showed up, watched practice and waited to meet with me. That's as good as the news gets - there's no money to pay me to train at all... so that's that. He was optimistic about next year but that doesn't really do me any good right now. Disappointing, but expected I guess. So I think I'll go every once in a while or a couple times a week... depending on who knows what. BUT! I won't go this week or next week because I'm hoping to get myself to Greece to visit some friends SO! I hope that works out - we'll see.

So the weekend! Steve didn't travel because of the sorry state of his back - it is getting better, but not all that quickly - and what's better back medicine than German beer? German sausages and German beer! Hehehe... We found an authentic German Beerhaus that serves up nice big steins of yumminess, has a wide variety of sausages on the menu, and even boasts German music and decor! You'd think that this would be a given but it's not - techno, house or Top 40 music is the norm no matter where you go, and decor - pshaw! What's that? (Example: The Irish Pub - besides some dark mahogany wood panelling and tables and chairs, there's nothing Irish about the place.) Anyways, so we tested the waters (the beer more like it) on Friday night and headed back again Saturday with Tammy and Sherisa for some more. YUM! And then... drum roooooollll.... on Sunday morning/afternoon we made the most amazing AMAZING brunch - french toast (and maple syrup) and lots of it, and bacon and eggs (and lots of that too)... it was unreal. Oh, and it doesn't stop there. We took a break from eating and went for a drive and a chilly walk on the beach and then... back to the trough. Jim invited us over to watch some football, eat wings and drink beer. Um, okay! I'm not a big wings fan so gulp, I just drank beer. And ate celery - they balance each other out completely... n'est pas? I'm just now realizing that my caloric intake over the weekend was sky-rocket high - eek.

Us girls in action - cooking with can't-wait-to-eat anticipation!! (wait, is there any other kind of cooking?)

Ready to attack...

Speaking of sky-rocket high calories, the McDonald's near our place is always busy, and when we drove by yesterday it made me wonder where the busiest McD's is in the world - I'm googling but not finding. Another thing I wonder is the time frame between the burger being made (with what, I'm not asking) and the burger being eaten - how long are those little pellets frozen for? I admit that I'm not asking any of these questions when I'm in need of a good (bad) grease hit BUT... still. It would be interesting to know.

AND! The countdown has begun - in less than one month we'll be home in Canada, with Steve's family in Bowmanville... yay! I'm so excited. We bought little advent calendars but can't start opening those little magical chocolate doors until the 27th... yum. OH! And it snowed here this weekend! When I went in to the mall on Saturday it was wet-snowing (the peasant-boheme and plaid styles are infesting all of the stores here - I hate it - so ended up just buying groceries), and when I came out, the Tomis car was covered in a little blanket of snow! Crazy! Nothing stayed overnight, and Steve heard that it's supposed to be 17 degrees tomorrow so ? Who knows what's going on. I just can't wait for Christmas!!

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