Monday, November 17, 2008


We watched the most adorable movie EVER last night - or at least one of them (the most adorable robot movie for sure) - Wall-e. Despite being a bit ominous for humankind, the robots (those with personality and good intentions) were so sweet. Wall-E was such a cute little worker, with his home full of trinkets and collectibles, his little bug friend and his dated audio-video system that played movies and music of people dancing and making connections and falling in love. When Eve showed up she was a little hard to win over, but even though it wasn't programmed into her robotic heart (/motherboard) love and a robotic connection found its way in and, well, saved her and all of the fat blobbo-humans on board the gargantuan space ship. The animation was incredible, and the vision of the future was... scary? Weak-boned blobbos that whiz around on predetermined paths, cared for and monitored by computers? Humans that have forgotten how to walk (or exercise? did anyone exercise in that world?) and even, it seemed, to forge human connections? Eeeeeee-yuk. Spewing garbage off into the universe... double eee-yuk. It was awesome I loved it and I'll watch it again. Yay.

SO! We had a great weekend. Tammy's team won 3-0 against a good team from Bucharest and everyone was SUPER happy about it - the president, who is usually negative and bossy, showered hugs and kisses on all of the girls and as a reward, their curfew was lifted and they were allowed to go out until 3. Yes, you heard me right. After they WON a few weeks ago, they were told that they weren't allowed to go out to the clubs because it made him look bad. It tarnished his reputation. Right... So anyways, the men's game followed and it was so boring - okay wait - the other team was so bad that, to entertain ourselves (me, Tammy and Sherisa), we made made up stories and assigned occupations and hobbies for the players on the other team, the home team, and all of the refs and linespeople. The camera guy was into martians, one of the linespeople dreamed of being a police officer but was destined to life as a second-rate security guard with Save-Self-Security, and among the players there was a garbage man, a car salesman, an accountant, an office coffee-fetcher, and a teacher. It was a fun game... and it made the 3-0 win a bit more exciting. And here's a piece of news for you - if you, reader, are ever interested in watching the men's or women's team playing here yes you can watch Romanian volleyball! I know, dream come true. Neptun, the local TV station that airs all of the games streams everything online to their website, so if you ever want to watch Steve or Tammy play (or just watch Romanian TV) - it usually happens on Saturday and I'll give you a heads up.

After the double-header double-win we met up at Jim's place to watch CFL playoffs.... wooot woot! I'm not that in to football BUT it was fun getting together to eat, drink and ooookay, watch some sports on TV. We watched the Edmonton-Montreal game and then the girls headed out to the club to dance dance dance. The die-hard sports fan men stayed to watch more football and some late-night hockey... and then Steve joined us for a few rounds on the dance floor before we called it a night in the wee hours of the morning. Yesterday we lazed around, went for a walk and watched movies... a solid, lazy Sunday.

Last thing. I'm reading (and loving) Elizabeth Kostova's The Historian - a story about vampires and the legend of Dracula and Romania and Istanbul - and came to a part in the story that talked about a talisman against the Evil Eye. We've got one of these above our front door, and I've seen them on gates in front of homes. Though garlic might offer more potent protection, it's also supposed to ward of vampires and the threat and curse of the undead. Something to blog about tomorrow - Vampires - but we're protected... right?

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