Saturday, November 8, 2008


Besides mentioning The Bakery a million times, I've said nothing really about supermarkets. This year we hit the jackpot as far as grocery stores go (well, with the food situation in general) - there are two within walking distance (across the street from the bakery), and a Mega Image (known as Del Haize in Belgium), a Metro (the Costco) and a Carrefour that the Tomis car takes us to in no time at all. There are tons of fruit and veggie stands manned (and wo-manned) by friendly people that usually speak English, and if not... smile and try to teach me Romanian vegetable words. The food situation in all of the stores is pretty much the same, except that Carrefour and Metro just have more of everything. The hard-to-find things include fresh broccoli (again), good lettuce (again), avocados (no surprise) and lentils. (I can't believe I can't find any lentils - they must be there, I just have to look harder.) Easy to find things include sausages (too easy) and pastries and cakes. So really, we're not missing much/anything. The food block is also home to a butcher shop (scary) and a fresh cheese place (I think); people line up almost every day in front of this small shop that houses a fridge with bins and buckets of soft cheese (again, I think), a desk, a calculator and a woman. I haven't asked anyone about it but I should. Another thing that I haven't asked anyone about (but I should) is this: What is the deal with all of the ladies dressed in housecoats wandering around?! Steve thinks they're gypsies, but some of these women look like they might have had their hair done the day before or are wearing makeup and jeans.... it is weird. It is especially weird because last year in Russia the women didn't go outside looking like less than a million bucks and here, ladies wander around in bathrobes like it's no big deal. They're not just wearing bathrobes mind you (clothes underneath) but still... it's so odd. Anyways, I have to cut this short because... we are having a mini football party. Wait, no, the guys are having a party and it's at our place so okay, I'll eat pizza and drink beer and maybe watch football...

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