Friday, November 14, 2008


So the weekday Euro cup game wasn't such a huge success for the Constanta team - they lost 3-1 in Innsbruck, but continue on with more European Challenge Cup games against teams yet to be determined. Wouldn't that be nice if they played in Tenerife? Or umm.. hm. Tenerife? I would hide in Steve's suitcase for SURE! Even though I admit (I am forcing myself to admit) that there were challenges that came with living in the Canary Islands... we had it good there. An honest and caring president (Steve's - definitely not mine), two paychecks, good food, SUNSHINE all year round, great friends, great language, ocean and beach not five minutes from our door... and, it was warm! Hot even. All the time. Not that it's horrible here (it's not horrible at all) BUT winter is on it's way... if not here already. It's dark early and grey and a bit chilly (9 degrees today) and apparently this affects traffic (there's much more of it) and our water supply. Or something is affecting it because while at least there was some eau chaud dribbling out of our taps today, it was nothing more than a weak and consistent drip. The joys of living in Europe. Oh well!

Okay so the guys didn't win on Wednesday but Tammy and I and our dinner did! Tammy bought a little sushi kit and we made SUSHI and it rocked! Complete with rice, roller, NORI (sounds way cooler than seaweed) and some pastey wasabi and soy sauce, the kit supplied some of the basics (and directions) and we added some smoked salmon (SO GOOD), cream cheese and cucumber. It was easier than we thought BUT the rolls were a little large - too much rice... but still, super delish and a complete and total success! We don't need a Romanian sushi restaurant (not that there is one) - we've got our own! Too bad kimonos and little kneely mats didn't magically pop out of the box with some traditional Japanese tunes - that would have been funny.

taking turns with the roller-mat

in action - roll 'em UP!

the spread - how professional does THAT look?!! YUM!

So I finally spoke to the president yesterday; he came to the gym to give the team their winter coats and to offer some encouragement for tomorrow's big game (in a deep slow monotone voice complete with intimidator-eyes): "Tomorrow, you must win." Right. They're playing one of the top teams (I think) tomorrow night, Dinamo Bucharest - it should be a good game as long as people bring a bit more energy and focus than last time. Practice has been super frustrating - we, on the second side, can barely get the ball back over the net - people are SO lazy and so blah... it drives me crazy! Crazy I tell you! Anyways, we're supposed to meet on Monday after training, so hopefully El Presidento shows up - I made him promise and shake on it, not that that means anything to him. He seems like kind of a sneako-not-true-to-your-word dude. Pas bien. But it's not an anomaly either - someone trustworthy and honest in club management over here? Pas possible! Well, except for Tenerife's Eulogio who was the most generous guy we've encountered over here... period. So, two things: fingers crossed that the women's team president shows up on Monday (with good news - is that asking too much?) and... that Constanta will go to Tenerife. I may be dreaming on both accounts, but ... we shall see!

The workout gym: - complete with website! wow!

The rest of these pics were taken last week - on a beautiful sunny day. Above - some buildings behind ours

Some nice-ish street flowers

On the main street by our house - a dog all curled up in a box - sweet... and sad.

Looking down the street away from our building... such a nice day!

p.s. the dribble that was our water supply quit just after I rinsed the soap off my body, and didn't come back on until oooh um, 9ish? 10? Yup. That left a big pile of late-night dishes, fun!!!

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