Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Libraries, warm socks and sushi...

Among some of of the things I always miss over here are dryers, sushi and libraries. I'm not running out of books quite yet but oooooh how I miss the library. I think I might even take a library over warm dry socks and a nice plate of sushi (YUM).... I was just cruising Michael Pollan's website which is fantastic, and I have the urge to read everything he's written. A few summers ago I read The Omnivore's Dilemma, after both of my parents raved about it. In a recent article published in the New York Times and posted on his website (www.michaelpollan.com), he notes that at least 70% of the antibiotics used in the United States are fed to animals living in massive factory farms. Disgusting. And that statistic doesn't even address the drugs that animals are fed in the forms of growth hormones and who knows what else... it's enough to make me turn vegetarian once and for all. I wonder if there is even such a thing as an organic food store here... there must be, but in Yaroslavl? I might be pushing my luck. Enjoy the library... and warms socks and sushi. ")

1 comment:

Ericandles said...

I so get that one. I used to have library dreams. There were these fantastic shelves packed with books and I could have as many as I wanted. ...and then I would wake up. I actually still get them sometimes. Go check out the local high school or college and see if they have English books in their library. They may take pity on you and let you borrow.