Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!

It was one of the most beautiful days here today... the sun was out in semi-full force and there was blue sky for most of the day! yay. There was a bit of snowstorm/flurry this morning even with the blue sky, so that was a first for me, running in heavy flurries. Funny though, with big snowflakes landing on my nose and in my eyes - battling the elements!! We had a super yummy french toast breakfast this morning, with homemade blueberry syrup - no maple syrup available... :( Steve got me some loooovely flowers and I gave him some yummy chocolates and made breakfast, yum. We went for a walk this afternoon - great weather but very chilly. Happy Valentines day everyone! xox

There are always kids playing hockey in the middle of the open area of our complex of apartments - Steve wants to play too....

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