Tuesday, May 30, 2017

may may may

It's only Tuesday, but this week has already seen it's fair share of uncommon events. I got a call at 4:00 yesterday afternoon (while at the school playground) notifying us that there was an appointment open this morning at 8:00 for Jordan to get his tubes in... and I took it. We're just back from the hospital and le bubs is still asleep in his carseat, so I'm trying to scarf down some lunch and get a blog started. From beginning to end he did SO well; there was no food or drink for him this morning, but we were on the road by 7:15 and he had his soother, so all was right with the world. We arrived at the hospital in St. Thomas and the nurses checked him out and went over information before we were called (we were 2nd in line) downstairs at 10:00. Handing him over to the nurses was the hardest part for me, as was seeing him in tears after the procedure. Thankfully they didn't last long - after a bottle and some snuggles he seemed much more like his happy self.

Yesterday's notable event was my job interview - ! I applied for a casual position with the Catholic board (as a librarian), and I think it went well. I'm not sure when I'll hear a yea or nay, but my fingers are crossed (for the yea, obviously).

What else what else... Steve's been hard at work fighting a pretty terrible cold AND he's been putting in good time and energy with the solar panel installation gig. Golf is starting up and hockey is prime time so he's finding lots to do (baseball coaching too) with spare time. Hendrik still terrorizes his sister regularly (which drives me crazzzzy) but has been more attentive to Jordan lately which is nice. Instead of helping me empty the dishwasher last night he volunteered to make and feed Jordan his dinner - tres cute. I'm busy with regular house and kid stuff and put in quite a bit of time prepping for yesterday's interview. There may be another one as apparently librarians that speak french around here are hard to find, so I'll have to brush up. OH... and I've been riding my new bike and I LOVE it. There's a group of women that gets together on Sunday mornings and rides for an hour or so and we go out in the country and chat and get some exercise (much needed). There are a bunch of things that need doing around here and I need to (need to need to need to) get to bed early tonight so I have to sign off. Fingers crossed that everyone sleeps well tonight!
see a trend?
hendrik's books, organized (all him)
this morning, post-op
pre-op - super happy!

another before
and another before - babies are too cute in hospital gowns!

solar panelling (with no sun)

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