Monday, June 5, 2017

weekend wrap-up

Well, another solid weekend is in the books, and two more big ones are coming up; we'll spend next Saturday and Sunday in Vancouver and the following weekend in Victoria for my youngest sister's wedding... eek! We had a great time yesterday at Thames Pool, one of London's best outdoor pools (heated) that will open it's two pools (one with beach entry and one 50m with diving boards) and big water slide full time next month; for now it's only open Saturday and Sunday afternoons. All three kids were loving the water and it was way less busy than we thought it would be - fa-bu-lous! We also found the big kids some shoes for the wedding (pre-pool) and watched Trolls after a best-ever burger dinner (post-pool), and all of the littles were sleeping by 8:45. We spent Saturday out and about as well, playing baseball (Hendrik), watching baseball (all of us), and hitting up Springbank Park's new (as of last year) playground. It was sunny and warm until 5:00 last night - and then the skies opened up and it rained like nobody's business. There was a river running down the street and visibility was so low cars were pulling over until the deluge subsided and the sun came out. Today it looks like Jordan and I will run some errands - he was up at 5:30 (!!!!) this morning, and I'm taking a break here to sit down after cleaning like a crazy person for the last hour since I'm sick of our house always looks like it's been ransacked with toys and books and debris (and paper, knick-knacks, Pokemon cards, spoons, items Jordan's pulled out of the cupboard, pen lids, crayon nubs, socks, sippy cups, balls, etc.) laying about EVERYWHERE. At least a few rooms look habitable right now, but I'm not expecting that to last for long... and that's ok. Here are a few photos from the weekend... I can't believe it's JUNE!

feeding himself - a new favourite (and messy) thing to do
playing imaginary baseball + climbing fences

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