Thursday, April 2, 2015

the worst!

I am becoming the worst! blogger! I have a few reasons for becoming the worst! blogger! but they are the same reasons that I don't get other things (like exercise or reading) done either, and they are family and school. I sometimes (today) wonder how a stay-at-home parent can be anything other than a parent; time is so dominated by children and family duties, and time away is dominated by eating or showering (sometimes) or one of many things that one could do (grocery shopping, laundry, oh... homework). I really shouldn't be saying this, because last weekend I was a mom and a basketball player - ! I played in a tournament with a great group of women, all of whom I met for the first time an hour before game #1, and it was great. It'd been 13 years or so (I figure) since I'd last played in a real game with refs and everything, but it came back to me like riding a bike, hurray! We won two of our three games to finish third and even did something social that evening, despite a few horrific nights of "sleep" around here. Steve and the kids joined to cheer us on on Saturday, and cheer us on they did; one of the women on the other team said, "who's that kid and what's he saying?" I got to lay claim and clarify that he was saying "GO Auckland ballas!" - it was great. Auckland Ballers because this is the team (I think) that is heading to the World Master's Games in Auckland NZ in 2017 - wouldn't it be great if I could join? Sounds super fun. Anyways, one thing at a time and that next thing right now is posting this blog, hanging up the laundry and going to bed. This "other" time - doing homework and very briefly quickly blogging - is too late (it's 12:38). I have some things to say about starting April off right (with a sugar shack visit and warmer climes) but I'll save it for next time... whenever that is!

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