Monday, April 27, 2015

late-ish cookie post

I'm baking cookies at 10:00 at night - weird. And I'm just home from my first hot yoga (Moksha) class in hmm... maybe five years? And it was so-so - not something I'd pay $15 for, which I think is the going rate from drop-in yoga - crazy. (I had a free class coupon that expires in two days, so I figured I'd better use it! It's been on my board since September.) I'm starting a must-get-in-shape week in preparation for this weekend's basketball tournament, in which our team will play four games in less than 24 hours - yowsa kapowsa! I ran yesterday, yoga today, run tomorrow, hoops with Steve on Wednesday, and rest Thursday; this is my big exercise plan - so peak physical shape (pah!) happens on Friday at 4:00pm.

Hendrik went to his first from-school friend's birthday party on Sunday and had a blast. The group got together at a huge play gym (Adventures on Wonderland), and the kids ran wild in a giant climb-on structure that was a mini version of the colossus that we visited a few times in Beijing. I stayed for a bit, left to go for a run in ridiculously chilly temps, went grocery shopping and arrived in time to peer in on the partygoers eating cake and watching the birthday boy open presents. Hendrik and Hudson were the last two standing, and after dinner and bath the kid was zonked in bed for a solid night's sleep.

Looking back on this blog from April 27, 2013 I'm reminded of the fact that Alana also slept through the night last night - who knows, maybe after a full day of gymnastics (her first on-her-own class) and several hours of outdoor sand-table play, she'll do it again tonight. We'd signed her up for a parent and tot class - which was slotted for kids up to 3 years old; but with a pretty poor coach to athlete ratio, they suggested a move to the older class and it was so much better. I wasn't so sure that she'd run off on her own without a worry trailing behind, but she did - she waved at me from the mat every now and then and followed along with the rest of the kids (she must have been one of the youngest, but was also definitely one of the tallest). We sure were spoiled by the gymnastics club in Gatineau - where there was a ton of natural light and the equipment and facilities were brand new; FCG doesn't measure up in terms of space or equipment (not many places would!), but Alana had a great time - I wish I'd taken some pics.

tea party behind the couch
Alright, I should get going - and deal with these cookies... Until next time!

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