Tuesday, May 5, 2015

whirlwind weekend!

we need an updated photo, but you can see the progress made (and the sand table Steve built) in the back yard
It's May! And we're just back in London after an amazing whirlwind weekend away in Toronto (me), Bowmanville (family), and Gatineau (me and Steve). I took part in the 37th annual Ontario Women's Master's Basketball Championships, and our team won! We played four games, and then, since the team I'd just joined was hosting the tournament, helped out with the banquet - where we ate good food (including a build your own sundae dessert bar), won door prizes (I picked a Gonzaga t-shirt jersey), enjoyed great company, and listened to a few inspirational speeches - one of which was "the most important part of this whole thing is ... the after party." So, for the first time in much too long, I took part in some late night dancing festivities and slept for but a few hours before catching the bus east to join my family in Bowmanville. From there Steve and I drove to Gatineau where we saw our long lost-for-8-months friends, ate good food (sushi), slept like the dead, and met with a realtor. This was the real purpose of the trip (to list our place), and there were a few run-around errands we had to do to get the apartment looking half decent. The turnaround was quick though, and we were back on the road approximately 24 hours after we arrived, feeling quite satisfied with our current living situation - i.e. we like London and our house in London a zillion million trillion times more than we like Gatineau and our apartment there. We enjoyed less than 24 hours in Bowmanville - I tried to get some school work done (I have so much work to do!) - and then were back on the road again, headed for "our London home." The kids slept (and ate) very well at Grandma and Grandpa's, and I'm hoping things continue to go well here - though I have my doubts (it just took me close to an hour to get Alana to settle down for bed). There's much more to write about but I'll leave it at that; here are some pictures - more to come soon, promise!
these two!
Auckland Ballers! We went 4-0 to win the tourney - so much fun!
check out what came in the mail from Team Quebec last week - a hand-written card, a JERSEY and a watch: "congrats on your amazing career" - !!

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