Saturday, May 9, 2015

suddenly summer

One of the best Christmas presents from 2014's festivities is a subscription to Maclean's (thanks Secret Santa Bob) - the mag arrives on Monday or Tuesday, hits Steve's side of the bed first, and I usually read it a week later. And so I just got around to reading this article about Zahed and Najah, an incredible story about survival, reunion, hope, and much much more (the trailer for a short film is here). I often think about how incredibly lucky I am to have been born in Canada, to have two loving, caring, supportive parents, and to grow up in a safe and stable environment. Why? I am beyond lucky, I know.

I am also beyond lucky to have two healthy and happy children who are going to crawl into bed with me tomorrow morning and be reminded by my one and only to say happy mother's day and shower me with love. Happy Mother's Day to all of you mama's - in heart, mind, body and/or soul - I hope you get to spend some quality time with your little (or big) loved ones. (For me that will be balanced with some alone time - at the YMCA and/or the Bay - at least that's the plan for now.)

Steve has done a serious job on the back yard over the course of the last week, and with seed planted and the hot hot sun beating down, fingers are crossed that grass will grow. It is suddenly summer here, with a humidex of 31 (yesterday) and 30 (today) - for real. Summer met winter last week, and we all-of-a-rushed out to look for sandals and hats and summer jammies for the kids this afternoon after replacing the storm windows with screens. What else? Hendrik has an eye appointment next week and is getting the full deal complete with drops and all-out-eye-exam, and we're thinking we'll take him to Cora's afterwards as a special treat (the appointment is at 8:00 - bleh!). I just booked a flight to Laval for a conference next month, and need to put the pedal to the metal to have everything prepared just so, just in time. Not much else new -  bed time here... or maybe a glass of wine first? Yes!

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