Wednesday, October 2, 2013

last call from vancouver

I'm going to have to review my pictures here, to make sure it all gets in somehow - this past week has been crazy busy. There were wedding festivities, my sisters were here visiting with Karin's little one Erik, we celebrated my mom's birthday, and Steve rejoined us after a week of living it up out in Langley (right?); this equals a mashed-up memory of the last seven days, so I'll just sum it up with les photos. That's what you get - I need tea and sleep and at least an hour to read the trashy goss magazines Lindsey and Joel and I mauled in the lobby of their building last night. And then it'll be back to the to-do list: organize and pack trump the other must-dos, as we leave tomorrow. As you can see, it's been a slice!!

Lindsey looked AMAZING, and the wedding was beautiful. It was above Earls at the V Bar in Yaletown, and the venue was perfect. We got ready at her place in the morning, and cruised around in the limo before Claire, Shelby, Joel's mom Dianne, the photographer Emily and I exited for le big moment. The ceremony was sweet, with personalized vows and all, and most of us managed to keep our eyes dry... it was perfect! A few photographs in the rain followed, then drinks, dinner, speeches (I made one, I cried), dancing, drinks, and more dancing. We were home by 12:30 or 1:00? And Monday wasn't too bad - we were tired, but otherwise not feeling any ill-effects. It was so much fun!!

getting ready

first dance
me and Steve, Steve and a horse (ran-dom), me and my besty!, late-night cake-cutting


from top R: Alana with Auntie Claire, skyping with Sarah, trio of sisters, Gramps and Hendrik, dinner!
cousins, showing each other some love :)


stella, the kids, sandwiches (and grabbing), first tattoo, hendrik and stella
tea party! jenny taught the kids to call e/o sir and madam - it was adorable!!


reunited with dad, pricessed, hendrik testing out my new shoes, hendrik's 2nd favourite team?

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