Monday, October 7, 2013

back east

We're back home, and getting settled in: bags are unpacked, there's food in the fridge, and we're thinking of the things we need to do and can do and should do to get settled here for the fall. Something could come up any time and take us away, but I want to plan on being here and feel at home with our goings-ons rather than play the waiting game. To switch gears, I've had some serious tab-itis for at least a month... and here it is:

- Lift Studios: Jon Klassen
- Jon Klassen's blog: an interview with Arnold Lobel by Lucy Rollin
- Wikipedia: Ludwig Bemelmans
- FIMS at Western
- U of T Library Science
- Pumpkin Cheesecake bread - yes PLEASE!
- Rejected Designs for World Famous Landmarks That Were Never Built
- Google search for Dorothy Kundhart
- Abe Books
- "I'm Coming Out... As Pro-Vaccine"
- Article about 15 Wildly Successful People that overcame huge obstacles
- Brownie Recipe... they're THE BEST!
- Margaret Bloy Graham blurb on Through the Magic Door
- the Resources page on Through the Magic Door
- Losing Is Good For You, NY Times
- Types of Intellectual Property, Gov of Canada
- youtube, uploading these videos:

By listing all of the above links, maybe I'll get myself to read through and close them? Maybs.

Alana is walking more and more, and is doing this cute thing with her hands where she does a palm up thing for "where?" - it is tres ah-do-rable. The weather has been great since we've been back (except for today, it poured), and we're slowly but surely (I think) getting over the jet lag. Hendrik has been up late late late and sleeping in a bit, at least. Photos:

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