Thursday, November 1, 2012

on the eve...

Because these blogs are few and far between, details and too many bits and pieces have been missed. Such as: at the Arbutus Club the other day Hendrik had mac and cheese, fruit, ice cream and chocolate milk for dinner, and - without a bib on and without a booster seat - came away with a clean t-shirt? That's worth mentioning. Also worth mentioning? I started this blog four days ago, and now we're on the eve of our departure for China... so all those bits and pieces are out the window in nevermind-land. The three (count 'em) bags are all super heavy, almost full and yeah, probably overweight. I can't wait to see my husband - and have our family of four back together again, the way it should be. I'm sad to leave, but happier to arrive. May our trip be more smooth than it is bumpy; next post - from China!

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